~Take it out on you part 2~

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word count:1312

You slid on the vibrating panties Cedric handed to you.

"Do they feel alright?" He asked holding my hips

"Not exactly comfortable but it's not the worst thing ever" you responded

He let go of your waist and grabbed his coat and keys as well as the controller to a certain clothing item you were wearing .
You grabbed your purse and slid on your shoes

"Ready to go?" Cedric asked holding his hand out for you to grab
You nodded and took his hand

You drove to the restaurant and headed in hand in hand
Before you got inside  he pulled you so you were inches away from his lips
He bent down and whispered in your ear

"Don't cum. If you do there is going to be a problem"

You slowly nodded and he pulled away smiling
I'm starving he said as he dragged you inside.


You sat down at your table and Cedric sat across from you. You picked up your menu to figure out what you want and then it began.

You shot your eyes towards Cedric's direction and he was causally reading the menu
You tried your best to ignore it and picked up the menu again suddenly the vibration turned up.
You brought your hand to your face and but your finger.

"Is something wrong?" Cedric said in a mocking tone

"Whip that smirk of your mouth Diggory"

"Well that's no way to talk to your boyfriend now is it?" He turned up the power

It was almost to much to handle but you would not let Cedric get the satisfaction of knowing you can't contain yourself.  If he's gonna play games so are

You cleared your throat and brought you hands up moving your hair away from your neck.

Cedrics lips parted as he stared in aw at you
Then the vibrations stopped
You let a sigh of relief

He leaned over the table and wiggles his finger telling you to get closer.
You moved your head closer to his and he spoke

"I want to fuck you so bad right no-"

" can I get you anything to drink" a lady's voice came from beside us

Cedric cleared his throat and leaned back in his seat

"Um- yeah I'll have a whiskey sour and she'll have" he stopped and gestured towards you signaling you to tell your order

You looked up at the girl and then
The vibrations started again they were much higher this time
You pressed your legs together and spoke

"Um- um" you looked towards Cedric who had a goofy grin on his face

"Can I have an- an ice water please" you asked

"Sure the girl spoke.. anything else"

"No we're good thanks"

She nodded and then walked away

"Fuck you" you whispered under your breath

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Cedric mocked putting his hand to his ear

"Fuck ugh you" you moaned

He leaned back and crossed his arms

" oh I fully intend to fuck. You." He said

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