1. 𝓘𝓽 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮!

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If you haven't already please read 'They say life is a gift but is it really?' Before you read this as this is book 2, anyways enjoy

Life has been good
Yesterday my 17th birthday was the greatest day of my life
And I hope to never forget it
I'm happy

I know that's new
But I'm finally happy
I have everything I need
I have family, friends and my adorable puppy Hope

I was sitting on my bed with Hope stroking her fur and talking to Karter and Kyle before Mrs Weather came in

"Ethan, Mr Alexander has asked too speak to you in his office" she said before leaving "ohhh what did you dooo?" Kyle asked in a teasing tone and I rolled my eyes "Nothing, I actually have no idea what he'd need to talk about but I guess I better go, see ya later" I lifted Hope who was half asleep up and walked to the end of the hallway where a brown door stood decorated with a gold plate that read
On it, I walked in after knocking and sat in the big red chair that was across from his black one where he sat, the only thing separating us was the dark wooden desk.

"What do you need Alex?" I ask slightly nervous because he looked serious "I got a phone call yesterday....I was sadly informed that your biological mother has passed away" I nodded kind of sad, I'm not heartless but she abandoned me, I know nothing about her so it's not really a big deal to me "Is that all? I don't mean to be rude but she might as well be a stranger to me"

"That's fine but no that's not all, Ethan the person I talked to, his name was Julian Wes, he's your late mother's younger brother and your uncle, your mother's will asked of him to take you in so he's coming next week, and he most likely will adopt you" I was frozen.

My uncle wants to adopt me?
I have an uncle!?
Do I look like him?
Does he know who my dad is?

Where does he live?
Will I never see Karter or Alex again?
Will I never see my friends again?
My family?

Are you kidding me?!
I finally accept my life here
I'm finally happy
And now I'm gonna lose it all?
For a family I don't even know!

What if they don't like me?
What if they don't let me visit?
What if they don't let me keep Hope?
What if-

"Ethan, I know this is a lot to take in" Alex said softly "Yeah tell me about it" Alex sighed "They'll be here Tuesday okay?" he asked and I just nodded "Uh I'm gonna go uh lie down, I see ya later"

I stumbled out of the office holding Hope closely to me for comfort

I wanted to be adopted right?
I wanted this opportunity
So many people here would jump at this chance
So why am I not?

I lay down on my bed and pet Hope slowly lulling myself to sleep for a quick nap.

Tuesday came much to soon and I was practically shaking with nerves

Will he like me?
Will he adopt me?
Do I even wanna be adopted?
Ugh I don't know anymore

I didn't have much time to think as I sat in the living room, everyone else went to the zoo for an outing so me and my uncle could talk in peace, soon a tall male entered the room, he has dark brown almost black hair, steel grey eyes and a strong build, he was wearing a neat black and grey suit and I couldn't help but feel under dressed in my black joggers and white t-shirt.

The tall man who I assume is Julian Wes sat next to me on the crimson red couch and held his hand out for me to shake, I left one hand petting Hope and the other shook his hand.

"Good evening Ethan, as you've probably figured out my name is Julian and I'm very glad to finally meet you, your mother wanted to be here but she just couldn't bring herself to see you not before she...passed" I nodded "You don't have to walk on eggshells about her death, I didn't even know her" I responded averting my gaze to the loose strings of the couch, it was silent for a minute before I decided to speak.

"You have an accent" why!, why did I say that?, was that rude?, will he hate me?, but instead he laughed?

"Yes my family, our family is Irish originally, you see your grandmother, my mother, moved us to America when we were young, though when your mother and I were in our 20s we moved back to Ireland" he explained proudly

"So if you adopt me, I'll have to move to Ireland?" I asked worriedly, I was afraid this would happen.

"What do you mean if? We are adopting you, it was your mother's dying wish, you'll be coming home with us this weekend, I just have to tell Mr Alexander and we'll be off" he said sternly and I looked angrily at him.

"What if I refuse?" I spoke in a challenging voice.

"You can't refuse boy, we'll be your legal guardians until you are 18, I'm sure you can move back afterwards" he said before continuing "Now run along and maybe start packing, I'm going to talk to the director" he left and I was beyond angry.

Why don't I get a say in this?!
It's my life
I don't want to go to Ireland
I want to stay with my friends

This guy might be my blood
But he is not my family
My family is here
And it always will be!

Thanks for reading, as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on, this is the second book to 'They say life is a gift but is it really' and boy does this go in a whole different direction, please read the 1st book before reading this for it to make sense and hope you all had a great Christmas/New year's
New updates every Friday
CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

This Means Family//Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now