4. 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭?

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In the hallway I see Hope fighting with 2 cats, one had black fur with white socks and the tip of it's tail was white, while the other has white fur with black socks and tail, they're the exact opposite of each other.

Hope was growling and trying to bite the cats while both of them hissed and attempted to scratch Hope

"Hey, hey shoo, stop fighting" I said picking up Hope while trying to coax the cat's too leave her alone, which thankfully they did when Emilia shooed them aswell

"Well that's a good start" I said laughing a bit before continuing "perhaps I should bring her on a walk to calm her down, while I get to know this place?"

"Okay there's a dog park if you take a left and walk straight ahead you should see it soon" I nodded "Thanks Enya"

I grabbed Hope's red leash from my room and attached it to her matching collar, I then went downstairs and Catherine asked where I was off to "Just bringing Hope on a walk" I replied

"Aren't you tired from your flight Ethan?" "Not really" "Alright be back at 6pm then, oh and do you know where you're going?" She asked and I nodded telling her what Enya had told me and she waved me off

I followed the direction Enya had told me and was soon at a fenced in dog park, there was about 4 other people there and the sign said only friendly dogs are allowed so I think it's safe to let Hope off her leash.

I did just that and she started to follow me happily as we walked around, she's obviously well trained being a ESA so I didn't have to worry about her running off

I was looking at a husky someone had brought, it was really pretty but while I was distracted I bumped into someone

We both fell to the ground and Hope started nudging me to check if I'm okay

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" I apologised to the girl who was now on the ground with me

She has brown hair with a pink ombre and Grey eyes, she looked to be the same age as me and a black Labrador with blue eyes was next to her licking her hand, she smiled a sweet smile at me

"It's fine no big deal" she said with yet another weird accent, although my accent is the weird one around here, I stood and offered my hand to her which she took before dusting off her violet floral dress that she wore along with a denim jacket and white sneakers

"You're not from around here huh?" And I chuckled "Yep I'm from Pennsylvania is it that obvious?" "a little, I'm Saoirse, nice to meet ya" "I'm Ethan and this is Hope, who's this little guy?" I gestured to the Labrador

"Tayto, like the crisp" "crisp?" A look of realisation came across her face "Oh right you'd call them Chips, but here chips are what you'd call fries" "Ohh good to know this place is strange" she laughed

"Do you come here often?" I asked as we started to walk around the park as the puppies play with each other "Everyday thanks to the energy of Tayto" I smiled "Maybe you'll see me more often then, I just moved here and Hope is always hyper"

"How old are you?" She asked and I responded with 17 "so you'll be coming to school then?, are you going to Amity Secondary school?" I thought before remembering Julian telling me that "Yeah I'm guessing you go there?" "Yep I'm 17 too and a 5th year, it's my second last year" "My uncle told me I'm in 5th year too, your school system is confusing" she laughed before checking her phone "Fuck I gotta go, I'll see ya tomorrow Ethan!" "Bye Saoirse"

She soon left and I smiled "I already made a friend Hope" suddenly my phone rang and it wasn't a saved contact, I answered anyways and I heard Julians voice, I'm guessing Alex gave him my number

J- Ethan where are you?, you were supposed to be home 45 minutes ago!
E- Shit sorry Julian I lost track of time, I'm on my way now
J- Okay hurry up dinner is ready
E- Okay bye

I hung up and leashed Hope before making my way home, it's so weird to call this place my home, I think a part of me will always be attached to the orphanage

I made it home in 5 minutes and opened the door, I hung up Hopes leash, the cats were in the boys room so I allowed her too roam around

"About time Ethan, already breaking the rules huh?" Colin said ruffling my hair before we sat at the dining table "Sorry for being late" I said and Catherine nodded "It's fine Ethan, what held you up anyways?"

"I made a friend so I was talking with her" I responded as Catherine plated the spaghetti bolognese on each of our plates "A girl already?, I told you they'd be all over him!" Colin said and I blushed "Not like that!, we just met and she's my friend" "Why do you care anyways Colin?, you don't even swing that way" Doran said and Collin laughed and I was confused, swing? "Oh I'm gay Ethan, hope that isn't a problem?" Collin explained and I shook my head "I don't care, lot's of the kids at home were LGBTQ+"

"So what's your girlfriends name?" I rolled my eyes when Enya called her my girlfriend "my friends name is Saoirse" I saw the triplets and Julian share a strange look "What?" "It's nothing, uh what does Saoirse look like?" Julian asked "Uh pink and brown hair, blue eyes, same age as me and she's short why?"

"Ethan I think you should stay away from this girl okay?" Enya said and I looked at her confused "What? No! She's my friend and why's it your business anyways?!" "We just think she's bad news" Julian said and I grew angry "You haven't even met her!, I think I can choose my own damn friends!" I stood and started walking to the stairs "ETHAN WES SIT DOWN AND EAT YOUR DINNER!" Julian yelled and I sighed sitting down and just staring at the food, my apitite was gone

I get like this sometimes, when there's too much going on my mind reverts to my old habits as eating is something I can actually control

"Well eat up" Catherine said and I shook my head no "I'm not hungry" "Eat your food Ethan!" I once again shook my head at Julian "That's not a request, eat now" "Da maybe you should cut him some slack" Enya said and I silently thanked her "No he can sit here until it's gone, even if it takes all night"

And it did I sat there with my head down all night, I think I fell asleep on the hard wooden chair at around 3am

Well what a great first day

Thanks for reading as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on and comment any opinions or criticism

Do you think Julian is going to far?

Do you think he could've handled this better?

What do y'all think of Saoirse?

Why are the triplets so worried about her?

Do you ship her with Ethan?

Do you think their relationship will stay a friendship or something more?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Updates every Friday!!!
Xoxo CarahFarrell 💛💛💛

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