6. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮

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"ETHAN!!!" I heard as soon as the FaceTime connected, Mya, Kam, Sawyer, Kyle, Karter, Alex and Emily all practically squished on one couch in the orphanage living room

"Hey what's up?" I asked trying not to laugh at their antics "We all miss you Thanie" Mya said and Kyle scoffed "I didn't" "Yeah right you even admitted you missed your bunk mate" Karter laughed and Kyle got embarrassed "Aww I knew you all loved me"

"So how's Ireland?" Alex said and I sighed "Weird accents, weird schools but the people are nice, oh and I have 3 cousins now" "Huh? You better not be replacing us!" Kam said jokingly "Yeah right they're cool but nobody beats you guys"

"Hey Ethan who're you talking to?" Enya asked walking in to my room after knocking of course "My family from the orphanage, guy's this is Enya, Enya that's Kyle, Karter, Sawyer, Mya, Kameron, Alex and Emily" "Jesus that's a big family" she said and waved to them

"Dinners ready if you actually feel like eating today" "What does she mean Eth?" Alex asked worriedly "Don't worry, I just didn't eat much yesterday, I'll eat it all today" "Promise?" "I promise" I replied

"Okay go on and eat, say bye guys" "BYE ETHAN" Emily than took the phone "Bye Bye Ethy remember our promise" "I will, Love you Em" "Love you Ethy"

They hung up and I followed Enya downstairs, Hope was staying in my room since the evil cat's were roaming around

For dinner Catherine made a Coddle, I had no idea what that was but apparently it's an Irish dish made of potatoes, soup, sausages, carrots, herbs, and rashers which look like bacon to me, apparently there's no specific recipe for coddle and everyone makes it slightly differently

It tasted good though and I'm definitely going to learn how to make it

"Finally you are actually appreciating the food my wife slaved to make" Julian said and I rolled my eyes "Sorry but you are aware I have an eating disorder right?" "you are recovering from an eating disorder, you can eat" I sighed "Just like other illnesses I have good days and bad days, it's not gone yet" "You don't have an actual illness, you're just making this up for attention or something but snap out of it, you are a man, act like one"

I slammed the spoon on the table "You don't know shit about me or my life old man, I didn't even want to be here so don't tell me how to act when you only know me from some paperwork you signed because the woman who abandoned me told you too!!!" I started storming off and he grabbed my arm "You will not leave this table boy!" I pulled his arm off me using my free hand and flipped him off "FUCK OFF!"

I screamed and stormed upstairs to my bedroom angrily.

Enya's POV
"Da there was no need for that" I said standing and walking over to him "Da?" He just continued to stare at his arm, I walked around him and then I saw it

A burn mark in the shape of a hand.....in the shape of Ethans hand

I gasped and turned to my brother's and Mother who were asking worriedly what was wrong

"He's..." I started but just couldn't believe it "He's like us, He's a warrior" Da finished and soon the rest of the family shared our expressions

"I thought she said he was a defect?" Ma said looking at her husband "There must have been a mistake, maybe he's a late bloomer? or his truth was sealed? but there's no question about it, no other human, no ordinary human can do what he just did"

"We'll have to tell him the truth right?, he can't be going around with power he can't control, we have to train him" I said looking curiously to my Da and he nodded "Soon, not today, I think he's had enough drama for today, and you get a hold of yourself ya eejit!" Ma said while slapping Da across the face, he definitely deserved that "now let's get that arm wrapped up, Enya and Doran bring Ethan his food and try to calm him down, Collin can you please contact Dermot and tell him the news?" we all nodded and followed our orders, me and Doran brought our food and Ethans to Ethans room

Since Doran, had two bowls I knocked on the door

"Ethan can we come in?" "Who's we?" "Me and Doran" he said yeah and we walked in, Ethan was sat on his bed with Hope in his arms, Me and Doran looked around, the room still seriously needed decorating but I also noticed some burn marks on the wall by his bed

"What happened Ethan?" I asked gesturing to the wall and he shrugged "I don't know, they were there when I woke up" so downstairs wasn't the first time "Anyways we brought your food up" Doran handed Ethan the bowl and he thanked him moving Hope to his side.

We all talked for awhile, I gotta admit Ethan is pretty fun to be around, I hope he doesn't freak out to much when he finds out the truth.

Ethan's POV
After talking for a few hours we called it a night and I got into bed, Hope was already asleep in hers, me being the lazy person I am fell asleep almost instantly, I was proud of myself today since I ate all my dinner as promised so no worries plaged my sleep

Until around midnight


I jumped out of sleep hearing the loud noise, I thought it might have been a dream but then I heard footsteps, it sounded like two people, maybe the others woke up?, I needed a glass of water anyways so I decided to go downstairs and see why they're awake

As I left my room in flannel pj pants and a hoodie I'd flung on, I saw that Collin and Doran's door was open with neither of them in their beds, so that means it's them downstairs

I continued my journey but nobody was in the kitchen, nor the dining room, I decided to check the living room and I did but again there was nobody there, the thing that surprised me however was the bookshelf had been moved to the left to unveil a large entrance, to where? I don't know but I'm gonna figure it out, I'm tired of all the secrets

The unexplainable burns on my wall, the stares at school and now this, what are they keeping from me?

Before walking through I grabbed the fire poker that hung next to the huge fire place, I wasn't about to go in without a weapon just incase

Inside was a long stone staircase that felt cold against my barefeet, I started down it as it spiralled making me almost dizzy

It felt like ages before I reached the end and and there was a narrow stone passageway, lit by candles

Did I just travel back in time?

Finally at the end of the passage there was an oval shaped room and a door at the end of it, I was about to walk in but suddenly got slammed against the wall

"Who are you?" A dark skinned man with long black hair and yellow almost golden eyes glared at me, I was so shocked I couldn't answer

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Shit I need to get out of here, I hit his leg with the fire poker and he fell to his knees

I tried to go through the passage I came but a gate fell from above and blocked my exit

My eyes widened as the man's bones started to reshape, his legs and arms becoming long, his neck extending and face becoming that of a dark horse as his body did the same

A dark silky horse stood infront of me and I would have admired it had it not been for the fact it started to charge at me

With no where to run I knew this was it, I was going to die

Thanks for reading as always I kindly ask you to please vote and read on and comment any opinions or criticism

Do you think Ethan will die?

Do you think his fight or flight response will kick in?

What is this families secret?

What's up with Ethan and unconsciously burning things?

Do you think one of them will save him?

This Means Family//Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now