Chapter 9

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Akaashi's POV
I stood silently, folding a table cloth when the scroll I had sent to Kuroo dropped in front of me. I set aside my work and opened it, reading the names Kuroo provided for me. While I was reading the names, Bokuto's daughter walked over. I glanced down at her as she stared up at me until I spoke to her.

"Is there something you need?" I asked politely, the girl extending her arms up towards me. I blinked a couple of times, hoping she would give up and leave me be but she just started whining. I didn't need her father hearing, so I set the scroll down and picked the girl up.

"What did you need?" I asked now that her whining has stopped.

"Nothing." She said, hanging onto me. I nodded, going to set her down but she wrapped her arms around my neck firmly and began to complain. How troublesome. I picked her back up, moving her so she was situated at my hip and her hanging onto my clothing while I held her with one arm. This was certainly more troublesome, but not impossible.

I went back to reading the names, my reading interrupted when the girl poked the pages.

"What's that."


"What kinda work?"

"Work for your father."

"Why do you have it?"

"Because I help your father with his work." I explained, the girl staring at the paper in boredom before nuzzling her face into my neck. It would be so much easier if she would go do this to her father.

"Where is your father?" I asked, moving my head a bit to look at her.

"His study." She answered, beginning to tug at the bow tie around my neck. I nodded, carrying her to Bokuto's study. I knocked and waited patiently for an answer. When Bokuto said to come in, I opened the door and bowed only slightly as to not let the girl fall.

"What is it Akaashi."

"I have found a list of names of men who could possibly be who you are looking for." I said, holding up the paper. Bokuto looked up quickly and said to give it to him. I did as he asked, standing there as he read the names.

"Do you know anything about these people?" He asked. I smiled slightly with a nod.

"Of course I do."

"Well, what do you know?"

"Nearly all of them are men of high stature. Many are trained well in combat, stealth, arson, and rituals. Some live within the city's bounds, the rest live elsewhere." I said, Bokuto writing it down as his daughter looked at me with a tilted head.

"How do you know all that???"

"What kind of butler would I be if I didn't?" I said with a small smile. The girl just shrugged as Bokuto sighed and copied the names to another paper.

"Find where the ones who are within the city live. Don't kill them. Not yet. I just want to know where they are. Follow and observe them. I want to know what kind of people they are." Bokuto ordered. I nodded, setting his daughter down despite her protest before leaving.

Bokuto's POV
I sighed, staring at the names when Mika wandered over to me. She looked up at me, making me smile faintly before I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"We're you bothering Akaashi again?" I asked, Mika nodding. I laughed slightly, going back to what I was doing. Mika soon grew bored and started asking me questions.

"When is Akaashi coming back?"

"He'll be back when he's done doing what I told him to do."

"When will that be?"

"I don't know baby. Akaashi works fast though. So I can't imagine more than a couple hours." I said honestly. Thanks to whatever powers Akaashi has, he's capable of a lot. So it made him useful to me.  Mika kept bothering me for nearly an hour before she climbed off my lap and ran off to her room. I have no idea what she was up to, but as long as she was entertained and safe, I didn't mind.

Suga's POV
"So, you think that went well?"

"Pft, not with Kageyama and Hinata arguing the whole time and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi laughing at them." I said with a sigh. Daichi smiled faintly, walking closer and grazing his fingers over the feathers of my wings. I happily accepted the comforting touch. Normally, it felt weird to have things touch my wings, aside from me when I'd wash or take care of them, but Daichi's touch was soothing.

I let him touch and clean my wings for me since they could be difficult to clean at times. Not to mention they were pure white, so you had to be very meticulous with them. So extra help was appreciated. Not even halfway through cleaning one wing, the necklace around my neck began glowing.

It's been well over a year since that has happened. Daichi looked at me as I got up. Once he saw my necklace, he nodded and said he would see me when I returned. I giggled, ruffling his hair as a thank you before heading off to the human world.

It's been a long time since I've visited here. It seems to have changed much in the year of my absence. While in the human world, I kept my wings hidden with magic as to not draw a bunch of attention to myself. Plus, some humans, loved gathering the wings and feathers of angels because of their healing properties. And I wasn't interested in losing my wings.

I followed where my necklace glowed the brightest, arriving at a human's home. I saw a similar glow from a room far up. No one was around, so I let my wings show before spreading them to fly to the window. When I poked my head inside, I wasn't met with the same human I had made a bond with years ago. I saw his daughter looking at me instead.

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