Chapter 17

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Akaashi's POV
I walked quietly back towards Bokuto's estate. Was it possible for a demon to like a human? For more than just their soul? It was true that Oikawa fell in love. But he fell in love with another succubus. He fell in love with another one of his kind. If that were the case, then perhaps I could understand it. But-

"Found you." I turned, stepping aside in time to dodge being impaled by a white sword. A young angel stood in front of me. He looked calm and composed, but there was.. there was hatred radiating off of him. How interesting.

"I apologize, have we met?"

"You helped the human named Bokuto to invade our realm."

"You're angry." I said with a smile, walking closer to this young angel who clearly did not know what he was doing.

"So what.."

"You should be careful. Anger, revenged, hatred. All of it can lead to dangerous things. Especially for an angel."

"What are you talking about.."

"You may have wings, but guess what?" I said, black smoke swirling behind me as one of my own wings appeared on my back as well. Pure black feathers, like his.

"What? Only angels have wings."

"What do you think I used to be?"


"Once you've let your anger consume you, you change. If you are not careful, you may become just like me. Your wings will no longer work. You won't be able to fly. They'll only be a reminder of what you once were. And if that happens... how will you ever return home to Yamaguchi?" I said, the angel looking surprised.

"How do you know his name..!"

"I suggest you forget your anger and go home to him. If you kill me, or attempt any more, your wings will stop working. Can you already feel them weakening?" I asked, the angel taking a moment, fluttering his wings.


"You are lucky that sword you're holding didn't kill me. But you still aimed it with intent to kill. Take advice from someone who's a couple dozen centuries old. Go home. And give up." I said, the young angel gritting his teeth. When he dropped his sword, his wings returned to their strengthened state.

"If it wasn't for Yamaguchi, you'd be dead." He said, spreading his wings and leaving. I smiled slightly, allowing my own wing to disappear. Honestly, it was quite troublesome to hide constantly. Perhaps I should just cut it off.

I continued my walk with a small smirk. That young angel wasn't done. He was going to retreat for now. But he had such anger coming from him. He was surely going to fall like I did.

Once I returned home, it was almost morning. But Bokuto and his daughter were still asleep. It was very early, and they were likely to not wake up for a few more hours. I walked to the room provided to me. I never used it, apart from changing or cleaning. I took my tailcoat and buttoned shirt off. I laid them aside neatly before grabbing a blade and sharpening it.

Bokuto's POV
I got up, rubbing the back of my neck. Where was Akaashi? I'd normally just call him, but I needed a stretch anyways. He wasn't in the kitchen. Not in the main hall, not dining room. I heard some noise from his room. Was he actually in there for once? I walked there, opening the door without knocking before widening my eyes at the sight before me.

 Was he actually in there for once? I walked there, opening the door without knocking before widening my eyes at the sight before me

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"Mm? Ah, good morning Bokuto. Apologies you are seeing me like his." Akaashi said, turning fully around and bowing. I walked closer, walking around behind him.

"What is this???" I asked in confusion, Akaashi standing back up carefully.

"Please do not mind what I am doing. Would you like breakfast?" Akaashi said as he set down an unused, but sharpened blade. The wing beginning to  disappear as he went to put his shirt back on. I grabbed his wrist, not done yet.

"Wait.. No, you have wings??? Well, one, wing? I thought only angels had them...?"

"Angels only have operable wings. Mine is unusable as a punishment."


"Yes. I too used to be an angel. But I have long fallen from that."

"Why do you only have one?? What were you doing with that knife..!"

"My other was taken as a result of my falling. And I was intending to take the other one. I've realized how cumbersome it can be to hide." Akaashi said as I slowly touched the black feathers. I almost jolted when Akaashi let out a small shiver of, pleasure. I kept my eyes on him before touching the wing again, Akaashi's head gently tilting back only the slightest.

"Does that feel good?" I asked, Akaashi straightening his posture and turning to face me.

"It is, a sensation I've not felt for centuries is all..." He said, allowing me to touch the scar where his other wing used to be.

"Akaashi, what happened to you?"

"Do you really wish to know?"


"As an angel, I had fallen in love. But with a human. I took care of them, but then one day, they died. And I was unable to save them. I became angry, and killed the reaper who murdered them. In the process of that battle, my wing was ripped from my body. That is how I received the scar and fell to become a demon." Akaashi said like it was nothing. I blinked a few times, shaking my head.

These magical creatures sure were complicated... I nodded, pulling my hand away and allowing Akaashi to put his shirt and tailcoat back on. His wing disappeared and he put the blade away safely. Was he really going to cut it off? I liked it. And honestly, it seemed like he kind of likes it as well.

"Apologies again for how you found me this morning, Bokuto. I will go begin breakfast." He said with a bow, heading to walk past me.



"I don't want you to cut your wing off."


"That's an order."

"Heh... Yes, my Lord."

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