Mini Epilogue

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Okay Yep last 'chapter'. If you like Ushiten, take a look at my new story. And a (zombie) apocalyptic story I have too <3

Years Later: Mika's POV

"Dad??? Dadddd!" I shouted into the estate as I walked in. My dad walked over, smiling as he hugged me.

"Mika! I didn't know you'd be coming." He said happily. Yeah, I had to move kind of far to take care of my dad's business. He was only in his, what, 40's? Now, but he was perfectly happy to give me the business to inherit while he lived comfortably with Akaashi.

Sometimes I still found it insane that my other "dad" is, well... a demon. But I still care about him, I guess. He made my dad happy, and that's what mattered the most though. Sometimes the things Akaashi would do was, creepy. But I knew that was just how he lived. 

"Where's Akaashi?"

"I think he is resting."

"What? Is he alright? He never does that."

"Oh, he had just eaten, that's why. Don't worry he's okay!"

"Ew..." I mumbled, my dad sighing gently.

"I know now that you're older, you and your father-"

"You know he isn't my real dad."


"What? I'm just saying." I mumbled, crossing my arms. My dad sighed and shook his head.

"Well, anyway, I know now that you are older, that you and your father have had some differences about, a lot of things. But think, he loves you and me so much that he has given a lot to stay with us." My dad said. I nodded, keeping my thoughts to myself to make my dad happy. 

Few Hours Later

I sighed, sitting on the sofa quietly. There wasn't often many times that I had to the chance to just rest. Normally I had meetings and such to maintain my father's, well, now my, business. My dad said he was tired, so I was happy to curl up with a book by myself when I heard a voice.

"Hello, Mika."

 "Huh? Oh. Hi, Akaashi."

"Your father and I have been married for well over 5 years. You needn't call me that anymore."

"...Right." I said as he sat next to me. I felt uncomfortable at times around Akaashi. When I was little, I looked up to him like he was my dad. But honestly I think that's because he looked a lot like my real dad. And Akaashi has never done anything to hurt me or anything. He was nice. But still...

"So, where's my dad?"

"He ended up falling asleep." Akaashi said with a small smile.

"Oh, okay."

"I apologize I wasn't here when you arrived. Your dad and I weren't aware you'd be coming to visit today."

"Oh, don't worry about it... Dad told me you were resting from... eating."

"Yes, I was."

"So... Who's soul was it this time?" I asked with a huff, Akaashi sighing softly.

"Mika, how long will you do this?"

"Do what.."

"I understand you feel strange around me. But there is no reason to treat me the way you have. You are my daughter. And I love you, and your father very much."

"...Really..?" I asked quietly, Akaashi nodding. I stared at my lap, Akaashi tilting his head before smiling slightly.

"Are you alright, Mika?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"There seems to be something troubling you. If you would like, I am here to listen." Akaashi said with a small smile. I tapped my fingers before sighing. Normally I would talk to my dad about things I was worried about, but, Akaashi might be better for this. And... he was my dad.. 

"Wellllll. I just.. is it ever weird for you to be in love, and married, to a human? I mean..  he isn't ANYTHING like you."

"It's not at all strange. We love each other and that is what matters." 

"You don't at all regret it and wish you were with another immortal?"

"Well, I have told you and your father-"

"I know, but, say dad never wants to become immortal... and.. when he dies.. would you regret it?"

"Of course not. If he decides to never become immortal, that is his choice. I would miss him dearly.. But I have many years left to love him." Akaashi said, sounding pretty genuine.

"Oh, alright.."

"Is there something wrong? I don't think that your father's and my relationship is what is troubling you." 

"Well, I might have.. met someone. But, they aren't human."

"Are they like me?"


"Is your concern that they do not love you?"

"Well, I mean. It seems pretty clear, I guess, that you love dad. So, I know that they can love me.. I just, don't know if they would if I told them I never want to become immortal."

"Yes, they can, and perhaps they do, love you. And I love you too, no matter what you decide." He said with a small smile. I guess that Akaashi wasn't so bad. I mean, yeah he uh, he eats human souls. And has probably done things that I couldn't even imagine. But, other than that I mean, he isn't so bad. 

"I guess that all makes sense... Thanks, for listening."

"Of course. I will always be here to listen. If your father does pass, I will always be here for you." He said gently. I smiled slightly, taking a moment before setting my book aside and hugging him.

"Thanks, dad..."

"Of course.. And Mika?"


"If you believe that they love you, and you love them. Let them know. After all, they have an eternity. You don't. Let them cherish that time with you."

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