Chapter 1: the city of love

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An: before i start I just want to say that this is not my story, this is made by an awesome writer The cursed shadow.

Elena turned in her sleep, resting on the red silk sheets. Her face was buried in her pillow, and showed no signs of waking up anytime soon. This caused the vampire to chuckle as she leaned against the doorframe, watching the girl as she slept. The line had often been blurred on whether she watched or watched over the girl, for she had done so many times. It was a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless. She shook her head; the vampire refused to care about the care about the human, it was impossible. They may have looked the same, but the two were little to nothing alike. Yet as she stood, watching the slow breathing of her twin, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of affection.

The vampire hadn't slept, not in several weeks. It was unnecessary for her to sleep every night, but she needed to sleep eventually. Not tonight, she thought to herself, but soon.

She saw the human turn again, facing her this time. She assumed Elena had wanted to escape the harsh moonlight. After contemplating for a few moments the vampire walked to the window and quietly pulled the curtains shut. Elena groaned, causing her to smile. Katherine leaned down and put her lips close to Elena's ear, so close that her breath fell onto Elena's skin.

"We're going to have so much fun together," she whispered, smirking as she saw the girl shudder in her sleep. Without making a sound, the vampire slowly walked out of the room, leaving Elena to her dreams.

As the sun climbed the sky the light shone through the small crack between the curtains in Elena's room. She attempted to block the lighw tih her arm, but it was hopeless. She was awake, and there would be no going back to sleep. The girl sat up in bed, still too dazed to stand, and looked around. Her brow arched as she realized she was in an unfamiliar place. The walls were a different color, the sheets were of different material, everything seemed more expensive than what she could afford.

Something else was wrong. The girl couldn't remember the events of the previous evening. What happened? She had been walking home, then her mind turned black. It was as if nothing was there. Surely something had to be there, otherwise how could she have possible arrived in such a different place. She stood shakily on her feet. Why were her legs so weak? Had she done anything vigorous? Elena searched the room and the connecting bathroom to find all of the things she would use at home: her brush, toothbrush, toothpase, soaps and shampoos. Everything was there, but how, and why?

She quickly got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt before quietly opening the door to her room. To her displeasure it creaked upon movement. Her breath caught in her throat. What if someone heard? After several moments of anxious waiting she released her breath and began to tiptoe down the large hallway. Every step was met with a comfortable red carpet covering the floor, assisting in silencing her footsteps. Elena's eyes traveled over the walls, floor, windows, and every inch of the hall. It could not be an ordinary house, it had to be much more expensive.

More like a mansion, she thought to herself. Why would someone who can afford all of this kidnap me?

The girl cringed as she heard footsteps downstairs. The person was obviously wearing heels, thereby making them a woman, or a very strange and deluded man. Elena wouldn't jump to conclusions, in fact, she wouldn't want to see them at all. Traversing the stairs as fast as she could, Elena made a run for the front door. After finding it after several minutes she wondered why she had not been chased. She pushed the thought from her mind and was simply grateful she was able to escape.

Elena reached for the door, but something was wrong. It was as if something was blocking her, yet there was nothing there. An invisible force held her hand inches from the door, tormenting her as she pushed harder, trying to escape. She panted, trying and failing again. What was it? How could she not open the door?

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