Chapter 4: what a night

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Elena shivered against Katherine's strong frame, leaning further towards her. Strangely, Katherine placed an arm around her shoulders, holding the girl close. The human knew she was testing the vampire's patience, but though tense, she never made a move to feed from her.

For the first time in a long time the girl felt safe. They were far away from any of her worries, away from the Salvatores, Klaus, everything. There were no problems, she simply stared over the city of Paris and looked at the buildings, the water, and most importantly, the lights.

Everything was beautiful, especially Katherine. Her brunette curls cascaded down her shoulders, some landing on top of the girls head, their similar yet subtly different brown hair mixing together. Timidly, the girl moved to rest her head on Katherine's shoulder.

The vampire tensed and her breath caught in her throat as she felt Elena nuzzle against her side. She tried to brush it off as Elena being tired, but they both knew better than that. For a moment Katherine contemplated pushing her away, but decided against it.

Why? What was wrong with her? She should push the girl against the wall and drain her completely dry. It's what the vampire did to almost everyone she'd ever known. Something stopped her, but what? Love? Absolutely not. She was completely incapable, so she had been told many times. What was it about Elena that made her not want to push her away, but pull her closer. What was this feeling?

It was completely new. Katherine had never felt anything like it. Everything about it had to do with Elena, but why?

"We should go," the vampire whispered, wanting to move from their awkward position but not wanting to suddenly disturb her.

The girl looked up at Katherine, the expression on her face so adorable that Katherine nearly melted, but she remained strong. Elena arched her brow at the sudden request, but nodded, reluctantly pulling away. They walked side by side, and the ride down the elevator was silent between them. Elena often glanced up to look up at Katherine, but the vampire had become distant. It was as if she was lost in another world.

When they finally exited the elevator they walked across the bridge to their hotel, but Katherine stopped. It took Elena several moments to realize the vampire was no longer beside her. Katherine had rested her arms on the railing and was looking out over the water.

She stared at the ripples dancing across the river as the night sky reflected on the surface, little stars poking out of the dark blanket. A soft smile crossed her lips. It reminded her of home. Katherine quickly forced her expression to become cold again as she heard Elena's footsteps drawing closer.

"Something wrong?" the girl's voice asked as she moved to stand beside her.

"Not at all," Katherine replied, looking back at her, "Let's go."

After barely getting any sleep following an intense evening, Elena descended the stairs at three thirty in the morning. She jumped when she saw Katherine sitting at the kitchen table, swirling a glass of red wine in her hand. Was she dreaming? Or was Katherine specifically taunting her? Was Katherine taunting her at all?

"Did I startle you?" Katherine asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," Elena said after a moment's hesitation. "What are you doing awake?"

"I could be asking you the same question."

The girl sighed and shook her head. She walked to the kitchen and poured water into a glass. As she brought the glass to her lips she felt hands on her waist. A shudder traveled through her spine as she felt cool fingers reaching under her shirt to glide over her skin, barely making contact.

Her flesh felt heated, the blood pumping quickly through her veins. It made her nervous, especially with the vampire breathing on her neck. The girl's breath caught in her throat as she felt Katherine's soft lips ghost upon her skin, but against what her mind was screaming at her, she remained in place. All she could hear was the pounding of her heart as Katherine continued kissing her neck.

Katherine knew very well what she was doing. She had tried all night to resist, and had another sleepless night because of the moment they'd shared at the Eiffel Tower. Lust clouded her dark eyes as she let her hands slide along Elena's sides, causing a sigh to escape from the girl's lips.

Katherine abruptly stepped back, knowing what would happen if she continued. She knew that she couldn't continue. There was nothing there. She didn't feel anything for this girl. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Of all the people Katherine had lied to, she'd never lied to herself before.

Elena turned around to see where Katherine had gone, but she was still standing right behind her, their bodies not even a full twelve inches apart. As the vampire turned and walked back to the table Elena couldn't help but feel a pang of longing in her chest.

She wanted her. She wanted to feel Katherine's skin against hers. Something was missing. Stefan and Damon had constantly fought over her because she looked like the woman standing in front of her. They had never truly wanted her, but Katherine did.

"Wait," Elena whispered, causing the vampire to turn around with an arched brow.

For a moment they simply stood, staring at each other. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Elena saw emotion in the vampire's eyes. She couldn't differentiate all she saw, but love was there. As much as Katherine tried to deny it Elena could see all of it in her eyes.

"Why?" Katherine asked softly.

After a moment's hesitation, Elena bravely walked forward to the vampire and pressed their lips together for a passionate kiss. It started gentle, but it quickly turned hungry. They needed each other more than they would ever admit to anyone else. Elena wrapped her arms around the Katherine's neck, bringing their bodies closer together.

The drumming of Elena's constant pulse filled Katherine's ears, but not once did feeding cross her mind. The feeling was amazing. She had never allowed herself to feel. Emotions made her weak and got in the way of her plans. She could be attached to no one.

Now it was different. Katherine wanted nothing more than to be closer to Elena. Her arms reached around Elena's body, her hands on her waist, pulling her close. Their contact sent tingles through Katherine's skin, and made her want more, but she couldn't do it. She pulled away from Elena tentatively, leaving their faces inches apart.

"No," Katherine whispered, "No."

"Please," Elena begged, needing to feel whole again.

Katherine let out a low, lust filled growl as she pressed her lips to Elena's again. Her plea made her lose her mind to the lust she so secretly desired. She heard Elena moan against her lips, and that only made her actions more blurred. Katherine pushed the girl against the wall roughly, placing her hands on her shoulders to keep her in place.

She kissed down Elena's neck, occasionally nipping at the sensitive skin. Her hands moved up underneath Elena's shirt to drift along the smooth expanse of Elena's stomach. Their bodies were completely pressed together, heated flesh against lifeless skin.

When Elena could take no more, she pulled Katherine's head up to stare into her eyes for a moment before bringing their lips back together, molding them as one.

An hour later, found herself looking at the clock in her bedroom. It was four thirty in the morning. She smiled weakly to herself as she nuzzled further against Katherine's shoulder. The vampire's arms were wrapped around her and she felt Katherine's cheek resting against the top of her head.

There was nothing that could compare to how Elena felt. The tingling in her stomach wouldn't cease, and it was because of Katherine. Her smile turned into a small giggle as she wrapped her arm around Katherine's waist. They were completely alone. No problems could bother them, as they were far away from Mystic Falls.

The thought reminded her of something, something she should've asked long before.

"Katherine," she whispered into the darkness.

"Mmm," the vampire groaned drowsily, letting Elena know she was still awake.

"How did I get here?"

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