Chapter 8: A love to last forever may not last

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Elena sighed as she ascended the stairs, holding the railing as her feet slowly passed each step. Choking up, she almost turned back and ran down the stairs, ready to flee from the house as fast as she could. Facing the truth was never easy.

She turned to the room they'd shared since the girl had been told the truth of their arrival in Paris. A sigh of slight relief escaped her lips as she saw the rising and falling of her lover's chest. Elena walked over, making sure to be quiet as she lay down next to her.

The groan that came from Katherine was almost inaudible, but luckily Elena was close enough to hear. Elena watched the vampire open her eyes, noticing that the usual shine in them had dimmed to a small glimmer.

"Elena?" Katherine asked, turning her head to face the girl.

"Hey," she whispered to the vampire, smiling gently as she moved to be closer to her.

Katherine smiled back at her, looking into Elena's eyes. She saw them shining, knowing the answer to the question that was on her mind. Somehow, she found herself too afraid to ask. Were her heart still beating she was certain Elena would have been able to hear it pounding in her chest.

Without realizing it at first, the vampire felt a teardrop flowing down her cheek. Unconsciously, she moved her hand to wipe it away, but was stopped when Elena grabbed her wrist. Katherine forced herself to meet the teary twin eyes of her lover.

Nothing could be said; Elena knew that. The girl reached down and took the vampire's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. They clung to each other, holding onto the love they'd only known for a short while. In her dreams she'd imagined being able to tell the vampire she'd never let go, but now, she didn't want to give Katherine that false hope.

The shaky breathing coming from beside her pulled Elena from her thoughts. As a small choking sound came from her doppelganger's lips the girl moved to be closer. Their bodies were pressed together, hoping to take some comfort in their proximity.

Finally, Elena rested her forehead against Katherine's, shutting her eyes and tightening her grip on the vampire's hand. She listened to the uneven breathing of her lover, until she could take no more.

"I'm so sorry, Katherine," she whispered, placing a kiss to her forehead, letting tears stream from her eyes.

"It's not your fault," she heard the vampire respond. The girl opened her eyes to see the tiniest of smiles curling Katherine's lip, and could not help her own smile in response.

"Why did this happen?" Elena asked, feeling more pressure in her chest as a lump formed in her throat, "Why did he do this?"

"Things catching up with me, I guess," Katherine said with a small chuckle, looking up into the twin brown eyes she loved so much.

"I love you, Katherine," the girl said, tightening her grip on their hands.

"I love you too."

Damon paced the kitchen downstairs, getting a glass from one of the nearby cupboards and setting it down on the table. He heard the front door open and footsteps enter, but he didn't care. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. The entire house was filled with misery and pain, and he somehow managed to find it ironic that even though they were in the city of love that love had somehow managed to be destroyed.

The eldest Salvatore finally managed to find the bourbon and set it on the table. His thoughts turned to his brother, and how he hadn't seen Stefan since they'd found Elena in Paris two days ago. Since those two days he had been searching for a cure to help Katherine, and in those two days he had come up short.

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