Chapter 6: old friends

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Katherine had woken early, before the sun had risen above the buildings. A glimpse of the moon could be seen in the colorful morning sky, but it would soon disappear. The vampire walked downstairs to the kitchen and searched the cabinets and refrigerator. A small chuckle escaped her lips when she found everything to be empty, the only thing that remained were several blood bags in the fridge.

Who knew Elena ate so much? Katherine thought to herself.

The wheels in Katherine's mind began turning and a smile crept onto her face. She decided she would surprise the girl with breakfast, seeing as she most likely wouldn't wake up for another few hours. In case Elena did decide to wake up early Katherine left a note for her before grabbing her jacket and leaving the mansion.

She'd always been in love with Paris. The city of love, the city of lights, no matter what the name, Katherine loved it. It was beautiful, but she found it to be rather simple. The vampire had been in many towns in almost every country in the world, and Paris could be compared to any city in terms of the people and lifestyle, but not in its beauty.

As she arrived at the market she smiled to herself at how simple it was. The simplicity was nice to see, especially in a city with so much beautiful architecture. She grabbed an apple and let it sit in her hand for a moment. Her thoughts drifted back to Elena.

A sigh escaped her throat and she smiled. The doppelganger, whom she had hated in the beginning, had turned out to be her source of joy. The love she felt for the girl was stronger than anything she'd felt before, even while human she hadn't experienced such emotion.

"Excuse me, but you look very familiar."

The vampire tensed, she immediately recognized the voice behind her, but prayed she was wrong. Slowly, she turned and took several steps backward to put distance between the two of them. She gulped down her fear and after seconds of silence she spoke.

"Klaus," she breathed out. He had specifically found her, and that was not a good sign.

"Hello, love," he greeted, the corner of his lips curling into a smirk.

"What do you want?" her tone was filled with anger, but underneath was a fear she'd felt continuously over the past five centuries. She knew he'd find her, but because he hadn't immediately taken her and tortured her she was curious as to what he really wanted.

"Perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere else."

"Why? So you can kill me?" Katherine was always suspicious when it came to Klaus. No matter what he said, he could never be trusted.

"I want to have a friendly chat, just us vampires. I can't do that when there's people around, now can I?"

The Original walked away from her, but stopped after several steps to turn his head over his shoulder, making sure she was following. Katherine was hesitant to follow him, knowing she may not return to Elena if she went with him, but curiosity got the best of her. She followed the Original into an alley just beside the market.

"Now," Klaus said as he turned to face her, "Where's my doppelganger?"

"You're looking at her," she replied slyly, curling her lips into a smirk.

"Cute," he huffed, "but I meant Elena."

"Why don't you ask the Salvatores?" Katherine crossed her arms in front of her chest and cocked her hip to the side, "They worship at her altar."

"You know, it's funny, I asked them and they said you took her. I'll ask you again: where is she?"

Klaus had closed the distance between them, leaving Katherine very little room to escape. She couldn't tell him the truth; she couldn't let him take Elena from her.

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