Part 5

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You woke up in a room, as you looked around and you didn't know where you were. You went to look for a window and saw the room that you were in didn't have windows.

"You think I would put you in a room with a window when I knew what you pulled with Paul. Now for him he thought it was endearing and like the little hunt of watching you run. But I don't play with my food and then fuck them." Gene said, as you shrink away from him.

"Why are you doing this? I don't understand?" You asked, wanting answers.

"You and I both know that I didn't like you coming here. At least at first I thought you were just another meal until I saw you in the audience and saw Paul looking at you. I thought that you would just be another fuck for him and then he would eat you. Not mate with you. Which meant that we would have to get more blood. When we were already splitting it between 6 people." gene explained, as you narrowed your eyes.

You knew there was something else that was to it.

"What do you plan on doing to me, other than separating me from my alphas? You know your doing harm to them as well with the separation." You pointed out, as Gene shrugged his shoulders.

"I went through the loss and I survived. Doesn't mean that they won't." Gene said as that was the key.

He lost his omega, and he's trying to get back at them for having you as an omega by preventing you from being with them.

But that doesn't make sense.

"Omegas are worthless. Yes they are good for a fuck or when you are in a rut. But they had no idea what they were doing when they mated with you. Paul was one thing but getting Tommy involved as well. That was a wrong move. I knew you were going to twist them to your ideals. Which makes me all the more glad that I don't have an omega anymore. No weight tying me down. I can feed, fuck without any consequences. Which i thought they enjoyed. Until you came along and ruined everything. Which is why they need to be redirected in how it was before." Gene said, as he narrowed his eyes at you.

"Why do you smell different? Since you came over you have had a certain scent. Now it's different" he said towards you, but also more like he was thinking aloud, as he started pacing. His head snapped up with a big smile on his face, as you moved away, until you were stuck in a corner of the room as he loomed over you.

"I take it your in the family way. Now that changes everything." he said as he moved his hand to graze against your face, as you moved away from his touch in disgust.


Paul downed another shot of whiskey as Tommy and Eric looked at each other at his behavior.

"Let's go into Gene's dream mess with him. Get him to confess where y/n is." Paul said, looking from Tommy to Eric.

"I can try again. But I think we should wait until it's nighttime here." Eric said as he touched Paul's hand again, this time hoping to get something from you.

And nothing.

Paul dropped the knife going to grab the bottle, as soon as Eric let go of his hand. Opting to not use the shot glass as he went off to another room with that bottle of whiskey.

"Damn this isn't good." Tommy said, as Eric sighed.

"I'm sorry. I can't make her go to sleep. We're just gonna have to wait until night time and try again. In the meantime we should watch Paul." Eric replied, hearing music blaring from the master bedroom.


Tommy knocked on the door like an hour later to check in on Paul hearing music still playing in the room.

But as he listened he heard the record player skipping.

And skipping.

And skipping.

As Tommy opened the door and saw the window open.

"Crap Eric, he went off by himself!" Tommy shouted as he ran through the room and hopped out of the open window looking through the fields in hopes of spotting him, as Eric ran out through the backdoor and met up with him.

"Well he didn't take the car at least. So we can go and try and get him before he goes through the portal." Eric said, as they both ran to the car and raced out to where the portal was. Going so fast that the 30 minute drive took 10 minutes, getting there just as Paul made it to the portal to activate it.

Tommy jumps out of the car and runs tackling Paul down, holding him against the ground looking down at him.

"What are you doing? We don't know if she's in her dimension at all? Do you think she would want to know your acting like this?" Tommy asked, as Paul broke down.

"What do you expect me to do? Just wait around for information? Our omega is out there somewhere, possibly pregnant with my child. What else am I supposed to do?" Paul asked, as he started breaking down and crying, as Tommy held him.

"We're going to find her." Tommy said, as they both looked around the field and saw all the brushes being levitated, until Tommy stood up and held his hand out.

"I trust Eric, we'll get information tonight. I promise. And hey you'll be able to see her." Tommy said in a hopeful tone, as Paul got up. And all the bushes hit the ground as Eric jumped at that.

"Plus I have my blood stash from when I lived with Gene, we can split it. Plus, hey maybe while we are doing that we can mess with other people's dreams hmm?" Eric offered, as Paul rolled his eyes.

"God sometimes I wonder why we thought adding you was a good idea.' Paul joked as they all walked back to the car.

"Because I'm hilarious and good at the drums, duh?" Eric countered as they all laughed, as Eric silently dreaded the reaction from Paul if he was unable to make contact with you when night falls.

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