Chapter 1) The Mission.

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The galactic expanse that could be seen from the bridge of The Finalizer was a range of planets, colours from all pallets to suit General Hux as he awaited the dreaded arrival of Kylo Ren.

Months previously, Kylo Ren had been informed by Supreme Leader Snoke that Luke Skywalker had left a map of his whereabouts to The Resistance. Kylo Ren was then further instructed to locate each part of the map, which of course led to his absence on The Finalizer and leaving a pretty please General Hux. But, of course, all good things come to an end.

Without much success from Kylo Ren on finding the missing pieces of the map, it lead to him facing the raff of Snoke; his constant lectures on how he knew his apprentice had failed him on such a simple task even a Jakku street-rat could accomplish. Ren had begun to lose his cool, now lashing out at any control panel or structure that stood in his way after leaving his meetings with his Master. Even on these occasions, there would be a casualty or two.

Meanwhile, General Hux was bombarded with pressure from his fellow superiors and Snoke on finishing Starkiller Base. Hux had not only that weight on his back, but the weight of cleaning up after Kylo Ren's outbursts. Truly, the General had questioned what Snoke had seen in the male. So when things got a little too much, a member of his staff would go to fetch him but would find him sipping the finest whiskey he could afford- surrounded by paperwork and his datapad.

"General Hux, Kylo Ren has returned from his mission. He is currently making his way here from Bay 3." Hux turned to see Lieutenant Mitaka standing awkwardly behind him, informing him of Ren's whereabouts. "And his mood, Lieutenant?" Hux questioned, turning his gaze back towards the window. "Angry, General."

"Get two stormtroopers to keep watch of him as he makes his way here. Dismissed." The sound of Mitaka's heels clicking against the floor was heard as he took a seat at his workplace. General Hux already felt his nerves running thin at the idea of an enraged Ren making his way onto his bridge to throw him unwillingly into a wall.

There were only a few minute gaps before the sound of the doors opening and heavy steps approached Hux. "Lord Ren, what can I do for you?" Hux asked, annoyance laced his words as he turned to meet the masked man.

"Supreme Leader Snoke has requested to see us." Even with the mask on, you could hear how mad Ren was. Hux squinted at the mask for a second before slightly nodding and turning to Lieutenant Mitaka.

"Clear my schedule, I have important matters to attend to," Hux instructed as he then followed Ren towards Snoke's chamber.

"Supreme Leader, what is it that you need us for?" Hux questioned, both him and Ren raising from one knee to look up at Snoke's hologram.

"I have been watching your work very closely, General. I have noticed the rise in stormtroopers and how we lack the space to train them," Snoke spoke down to them, using small hand gestures as he went along. "I have arranged for the both of you and two teams of Captain Phasma's finest stormtroopers to assist you as you scout out a potential training ground on an untouched planet for one week."

Both of the males turned to look at each other, even if one was masked, could tell they were repulsed at the idea. "With all respect Master, I do not-"

"Do not bore me with the details of your complaint, Ren. You will do this to make up for your recent failure to me. And for you General," Snoke said, turning away from his apprentice, "take this as a break. Work on Starkiller Base will proceed as you are gone."

"Yes, Supreme Leader," Hux said from behind gritted teeth, clutching his wrist tightly behind his back where he stood. Hux being in a room with Ren for twenty minutes was unbearable, let alone being stuck together on uncharted grounds for two whole weeks.

"You will be leaving tomorrow evening." With that, Snoke's hologram faded and so did Ren's poor attempt at a collected façade.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 (Kylux)Where stories live. Discover now