Chapter 5) Blasters and Plasters.

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"What are you insinuating Ren?" Hux asked, his eyes zoning in on Ren's face.

"That, General, Captain Teanu is dead or about to die," Ren replied quietly, his senses zoning in on the area around them. Hux went to open his mouth to say something till Ren threw his palm over his face to keep him quiet. The ginger pulled back, repulsed by the sudden action till there was an audible presence besides their tent. Whispering.

Ren reached out with both of his hands and pulled Hux to lay down beside him, keeping him away from his window so they remained out of sight. Hux looked at Ren, his eyes showing how mad he was but also how confused he was.

"We're being hunted," Ren said, reaching out through the force and making a connection to Hux. The General was unnerved by the whole interaction and pulled another one of his disgusted faces. "We have to go warn everyone. But how-"

"Oi, who are you guys? Hey, I was talking-" A stormtrooper began talking to be cut off only by the sound of a blaster going off and the entire camp began to wake. In a matter of seconds, shouting and blasters were heard everywhere around the pair.

"Let's go," Ren spoke, already finished pulling on his boots beside Hux who had done the same. Ren ignited his sabre, discarding his helmet, while Hux joined him at his side, blaster in hand with the cap placed tightly on his head.

When they stepped out, the tents were on fire and bodies laid scattered around them. Stormtroopers were shooting down the attacking group of people, who appeared to look local to the area. Hux couldn't help but feel like this was all Ren's fault. Nevertheless, the two quickly joined the fight.

Blasters could be heard everywhere, shouting and the sound of Ren's lightsabre sizzling on the snow-filled air. "To the forest!" Shouted one of the leading stormtroopers, causing everyone to flee and Hux to follow. The ginger wounded all those he aimed at, feeling as if there was an endless stream of enemies coming towards him. The fleet had run far into the forest, now having an advantage as they shot at the enemy.

Hux ducked down behind the boulder he was aiming from, turning to look around at all that was left of the fleet to see one important figure was missing.

While the battle was taking place in the camp, Ren had encountered an old Jedi he trained with when he was with Luke. The Jedi's name was Rey. Ren and she used to be friends back then but Rey had come to feel nothing but hatred towards Ren due to her master leaving. So, with their reunion, it brought out her anger but it did the same with Ren's own.

Both force users' lightsabres collided, graceful movements took place and they moved away from the centre of the fight and into the forest. Snow began to fall, the two ignoring it as they let rage fuel their duel. Ren had the upper hand for a moment, to then be flung backwards against a tree and Rey's lightsabre to come colliding with his pale skin.

Ren cried out in agony, his free hand coming up to feel the blood oozing out of the fresh wound. "You, are nothing, Ben Solo," Rey spoke, her threatening tone making its way into Ren's barely conscious mind. Rey had raised her lightsabre, to take the final blow at Ren to end his reign.

"Rey! We need to go! Three First Order ships are landing, we're outnumbered!" Just a few metres away, a darker male called out to Rey with a concerned tone, gesturing for her to return. Rey almost continued with her action, raising her sabre once more, to then have the shot from a blaster fly past her face- barely grazing her skin.

Rey turned to see Hux aiming at her again with his blaster, him taking another shot only for it to be deflected with the force. Rey suddenly turned and ran to her friend, the two getting out of range so Hux could no longer try to shoot them down.


Hux turned his head quickly, remembering Ren was still there. Ren stumbled forward, to only land on his knees as he held his face- blood dripping from his gloved hand. Hux rushed to his side, dropping down onto the snow-covered earth and pulling Ren to lay in his arms. He attempted to try and take Ren's hand away from his face, to only have him hiss in pain.

"I'll kill them. I'll kill them all," Ren whined, finding it the only thing he was capable of doing after his fight.

"Shh," Hux silenced him, placing a hand over Ren's eyes. The ginger quickly pulled a small device from his pocket and spoke into it, giving his location before going back to holding Ren tightly.

For some reason, Hux was acting out of the ordinary that evening. Saving Ren's life twice? How strange.

"They're over here!" Called a stormtrooper, followed by the rest of their fleet and two medics.

When Hux realised they were under attack, the first thing he did was contact the ship with a code that was only used in their situation. This then leads to their shuttle requesting aid from any first-order fleets in the nearby systems. Of course, help came.

"Get Lord Ren on a stretched and treated right away!" Hux spoke urgently, raising to his feet and watching as they placed the semi-conscious Ren on a stretcher. Hux followed alongside Ren, eyes glancing down every second or two are they sped walk back to the nearest ship.

Kylo Ren was taken into a medical room on board one of the ships, being treated to by droids. General Hux had just finished speaking to the Captains in the ships that came to their aid. Hux left one of the shuttles, looking out and seeing that day was now dawning on the burnt-out camp in front of him. They were lucky they were returning that day or Hux might have had a stroke.

"General Hux, we received word that Snoke requires both you and Ren back on The Finalizer as soon as possible for Ren's steady recovery."

"Yes, okay then. Inform the other pilots and ready all three ships for a return back to The Finalizer." Hux was almost not fazed, his eyes lingering on his burnt-out tent. The remains of Ren's sleeping bag stuck out from the ashes and Hux reflected on the events of the evening.

How strange. He almost enjoyed being close with Ren.


Words: 1,117

A/N: sorry this one was shorter than usual :(

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