Chapter 10) Delicate

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It had been 2 years since the old pair had found themselves feeling more at home when basking in one another's presence than they had when being on any planet in the galaxy. A year since the demise of Supreme Leader Snoke on both of their accord. General Hux was no longer a General, but was instead the Supreme Leader as Ren stayed by his side as his "hound". Well, that's what the resistance called them. The First Order stood stronger than ever, winning battle after battle with flawless execution now that Hux was on the throne.

"Supreme Leader Hux," spoke General Mitaka, walking towards him before kneeling, "Lord Ren has returned from his mission. He is in his chambers now."

Hux signalled for him to leave, which he did and Hux watched as the doors slid shut on his way out. The ginger rose from his throne, his white great coat laid neatly on his shoulders as he took his leave of the throne room. The supreme leader walked through the ship, every corridor he was in emptied within seconds at his appearance till he reached their chamber. Hux lost interest in his room, eventually moving in with Ren without most of the faculty knowing.

Hearing the door hiss shut behind himself, he removed the white coat from his shoulders and adjusted the rest of his pristine white uniform. Draping the coat over a nearby chair, he turned to see Ren by the large window at the back of the room. Hux smiled slightly, joining him at his side as he too watched the planet ahead spin slowly. Ren turned to look at Hux, his raven hair falling on his face.

"Hux," Ren spoke above a whisper, a smile evident in his tone. The male turned to him, a smile gracing his lips as he removed his white gloves. Hux reached up, one band cupping Ren's scarred cheek while the other tangles its fingers into his tousled hair. Ren's hands were now placed on Hux's waist, pulling his lover closer as the two placed their lips together. Their lips moved slowly, pure emotions falling into the mix of their delicate reunion. The two pulled away slowly, Hux tipping Ren's head back so he could pepper his face in soft kisses. Ren hummed quietly, clearly enjoying the affections he was receiving after their time apart.

"How was your mission?" The ginger questioned, playing with a stray strand of his partner's hair.


"How were you?"


A/N: that's it, my dudes!

I hope this bonus chapter was a nice add on, something special I suppose.

{Please check my profile to see my other Kylux fic if you enjoyed this one}

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