Chapter 6) Lightsaber Scars.

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When all three ships docked in The Finalizer, Kylo Ren was instantly being sent to an operation room, medics swarming him like flies on a corpse.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Snoke had called General Hux for a meeting that discussed the events of the evening. But when the discussion was over, Snoke added a report of the progress of Star Killer Base.

It wasn't good news.

General Hux marched through the vast ship, taking large strides as he makes his way to the bridge. He was fuming. The doors hissed open, all heads turning from their stations to see the ginger's fierce eyes staring them down. The room quieted.

"How dare you all. How dare you! How dare you slack off on such an important asset towards The First Order's victory while I was absent! Lieutenant Rodinon!" Hux shouted, his hands tightly clutched behind his back as he marched down the centre aisle to the end.

Lieutenant Rodinon was often a stoic type of man, but to have General Hux take the tone that he did with him, the man was shaking in his boots. He made his way from one of the desks he was standing at and up towards Hux, leaving a metre distance between them.

"Yes, General Hux."

"You. You have tarnished my name not only to my fellow superiors but also to the Supreme Leader. What you have done in my absence has caused problems worth more than your worthless life could ever amount to," Hux spat, he felt his anger boiling with the acid deep within his stomach as he turned to look out the wide window before him.

"Now, you will pay the price." With that, Hux pulled his blaster from his coat and turned to the Lieutenant, extending his arm and taking the shot. The body flew back a few feet before it slid across the floor. "This is what will happen to each of you if you dare perform the way you did again. Now, you've all earned yourself an extra ten hours to your shifts each cycle to make up for your failure."

Scared into moving, the bridge became lively as people made their way to their station and worked overtime on all their duties. Hux was coming down from his moment, placing his blaster back in his greatcoat and walking past the body.

"And someone fetches a droid to clean this up."

After an extensive 5 hour surgery, Ren was placed in his sleeping quarters to recover there.

Ren had awoken a few hours later, groaning from the burning pain he felt on his face and shoulder. He raised a hand to his face to only remember the fight he endured to receive his wound. Raising to his feet, he walked over to his bathroom and looked into the mirror placed above his sink.

For a start, he wasn't wearing his robes. He was dressed in a uniform, exactly like General Hux's own. But for his face, there lay a large gash across his face where it laid with a black material keeping it together. Ren grew annoyed, the ugly scar now bares a reminder of his failure against some scavenger girl.


It was his mother's voice. The light was calling him once more and this time, he couldn't handle it. The raven-haired male stormed out of his bathroom, extending his arm out and finding his sabre now in the palm.

Of course, destruction followed.

"General Hux, there have been reports of Lord Ren being angered in his room and the sound of a lightsabre being used."

General Hux was located on the bridge, staring out the window at Stat Killer Base as Lieutenant Mitaka piped up from behind him. Hux groaned, knowing nothing that was about to happen was going to be good.

"Dismissed," Hux replied as he turned around and began heading to Ren's quarters. Ever since his return, the ginger had received little time to even sit down, leading him to be snappy.

So when he entered to see Ren's room practically demolished, he expected him to snap and shout. But he was silent. So silent. Ren was hunched over himself on the edge of his bed, arms resting on his thighs as he stared at his, still ignited, lightsabre that lay in front of him.

Hux slowly approached his large coat flowing with him as he did so. He stood by Ren's side, looking down at the sabre before he got down on his knees and turned it off. Silently, he slid it across the floor and away into a pile of debris as he moved to kneel in front of Ren.

At first, the General didn't look at Ren's face, just stared forward at his chest till he looked down to see Ren's hands. One was dripping blood. Hux let out a sigh, taking off his greatcoat and removing his handkerchief as he did so. Taking a moment to lay his coat on the messed up bed, he knelt back down and reached out for Ren's bare hands with his loved ones.

Ren pulled back for a second, Hux finally meeting their eyes with Ren to give him a look as if to say "Don't". So Ren cautiously extended his hand to Hux who took it into his grasp, carefully cleaning the blood and removing a noticeable chunk of metal sticking out. Nothing was said, just the sound of sizzling and broken electronics quietly buzzing in the background as they had their moment.

After some minutes, Hux stopped and folded his blood-soaked handkerchief and placed it on a pile of debris beside them. Then, they sat there in that silence a little more before Hux got up.

"What you've done has angered me," he began, reaching over and grabbing his greatcoat as Ren stared down at the floor, expecting a lecture. Then, he suddenly felt added weight to his shoulders and realised that he now wore Hux's coat. "But I want you to know," Hux sighed briefly, moving between Ren's legs and grabbing his chin to look up at him, "that your scar does not show defeat. It shows how far you are willing to go. It's becoming of you, Ren."

With that, Hux left.

Ren sat for a moment, dwelling on the General's words and what he meant. Ren had begun to focus on the General in recent times, paying attention to each sentence he spoke and how he held himself in each scenario. He found it amusing at first before he became to marvel at the man's way of life. Kylo also felt a change in his emotions towards the ginger, how he used to hate him with every fibre of his being to then enjoy his presence at any given moment.

But what had Ren's head a mess now was how he still felt the shape of Hux's touch.

"Lieutenant Mitaka, take the bridge."

Hux had only returned to the bridge to tell Mitaka that he was going to call it a night but had found himself caught up in other matters to do with Star Killer. So when the opportunity arose, he took it and made a quick exit towards his quarters.

When he got to his room, he practically fell through the door and made a B-line to his bed. For once, sleep begged for his company and he happily accepted its eager invitation. Dropping himself onto his mattress, he felt himself slipping away already at the pure idea of a quality night sleep. After all, he had been sleeping deprived for almost a week in unbearable circumstances.

Hux couldn't even be bothered to change or even slip under the covers, he just dropped his head on his pillow and raised his legs onto the bed before slipping away into a dreamy slumber.

Dealing with Lord Ren was demanding of the brain.


Words: 1,317

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