"The year before"

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You enter Hogwarts at the year of thirteen in this fanfic (as everyone else).
You can't get pregnant until you're 17.
Smut, swearing, and a lot of love to Fred Weasley, be careful!

'The year before'

Tears of pain and sadness fell from your eyes onto the marble floor, as you ran down the dark corridors of Hogwarts's third floor, trying to hold'em back, but not being able to.

'Did he really mean what he said?' was the only thought in your head, and the possible answers were too distressing to consider. What if he really was? What if he really considered you as a stupid, lazy little girl?

It was late at night, and the halls weren't illuminated by anything; if they were, the portraits would wake up and grumble, which you didn't want to happen, especially tonight.

You didn't care if your father becomes livid once he finds out you had visited Hogwarts again, because now you were extremely sad and angry with him. Of course you had had a lot of fights, since he was forbidding you everything, even entering Hogwarts, but this one had hit you different.

You felt that he no longer loved you.

Once you had reached the one-eyed witch statue, you stopped, pulling your messy y/h/c hair behind your ear. You stood there for a moment, trying to remember the password, which allows one to open the secret passage. But even when you're a tear-mess, you could still keep your mind clear:

"Dissendium" you whispered, getting closer to the passage, and in a second the hump on the witch's statue opened to reveal a short slide into a tunnel. You no longer attempted to hold back the tears as the passage closed, crying harder and harder, trying to release all the pain and sadness you had got because of the fight.

And, of course, you were too busy to notice, that right next to you, literally in a meter a guy was landed, his hands wrapped around his knees, and eyes red of either tiredness, or... Tears.


You turned around, your hands wet of tears, your cheeks red of crying, and saw a tall, red headed boy sitting at the rocky floor, and staring at you curiously.

"Who are you?! How'd you know about the passage?!" you stood up the ground and grabbed your wand instantly, pointing it to a handsome stranger. He gazed at you curiously, and stood up the floor as well, a cunning smile touching his lips:

"I don't know who you are either"

He approached you slowly, trying to calm you down and make you to get your wand down, but you didn't move, your hand trembling. A stupid gryffindork, you thought, examining the robes of the guy with your careless gaze; disgusting reddish-yellow tie, simple, old fashioned robes and... Well, he was pretty tall, and you had to look at him from down to up.

You hated it.

"Why are you... Crying?" he touched your hand with his carefully, without taking his eyes off yours. His hand burned your skin with its touch, and you had just understood, that you had never ever touched a boy before.

You had even... Loved it.

"It's none of your business!" you hissed, and set your hand free roughly, still looking into his eyes, trying to hide your weakness behind the anger.

He said nothing. The redhead had only leaned closer to you, and rested his arms on your shoulders. He had glanced at you once more, and you got a feeling, that he understood. Behind your mask of power and superiority, he had noticed a little, broken girl, and he did something, that you needed right now, and every time Severus and you had had a fight.

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