Chapter Twelve

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Rhiannon sits by the lake again, her legs stretched out as she reads a book on magical creatures. She feels like she is getting close to the egg thing, she is pretty sure that noise comes from something. Like a banshee or something close, something related to it maybe. She can taste it. She's so close. But she's also distracted. She glances at the gaggle of teenage boys lingering close by whispering, she rolls her eyes and turns slightly, trying to concentrate. Attila hisses and snarls at them before he gives chase, sending them running away, screaming. Rhiannon smirks a little and relaxes, finally getting her moment's peace to read. Until more voices disturb her. She lifts her head and slams her book shut. She turns to glare at whoever it is. Finds two ginger-haired, tall, teenagers walk towards her. Twins. They are whispering among themselves, arguing a little before one shoves the other forward towards Rhiannon. She raises an eyebrow as she stands. Attila moving to her side.

"Hi" She offers, giving the two of them a weird look, because she doesn't know them, and they don't seem like the usual teenager boys that follow her around. They kind of remind her of that Ron boy. "Can I help you?"

"Would you mind if we borrowed him?" The first of the two of them asks her whilst motioning to Attila who growls a little. Rhiannon's eyes flickering between the twins.

"For nothing too dangerous, we promise you," The other one tells her.

"We just think he might make a good prop for a prank"

"And just who are you?" She asks them.



"Weasley," They tell her together. She glances down at Attila in question, the feline cocks his head before he shrugs. She turns back to the twins.

"Fine, but I want him back before curfew," She tells them. "And he doesn't get hurt...or blamed" She points a finger at them both and then walks away, leaving Attila with them.

"Thank you!" One of the twins shouts behind her, she waves over her shoulder. She knows Attila can take care of himself, and she knows what his expressions and movements mean. He likes fun. But like Rhiannon, he wears a Durmstrang face. Stoic and grumpy.


Rhiannon sits on the floor outside of the great hall as she waits for Fred and/or George to return Attila to her. It's been a weird few hours without her friend around and not knowing just what they were involving him in. George walks towards her, Attila at his side, both seem very pleased with themselves. Rhiannon smirks a little and pushes herself to her feet.

"It went well I take it?" She asks them, Attila moves closer to her as George tucks his hands into his pocket.

"Successful prank sprung," George tells her as he bounces up onto the balls of his feet.

"Mayhem caused?" She teases, he laughs and nods.

"Always" He counters. She nods a little. "Thank you, for...." He pulls a hand from his pocket and motions to Attila.

"You're welcome" She then turns to walk away from him with Attila.

"You're a lot nicer than people say you are" She turns and gives him a look.

"What do they say?" She asks him, he shrugs slightly as Attila rubs up against her leg.

"You a" He gives her a look. "Grindelwald"

"Right" She draws out and steps closer to him. "Because that means that I am just like my father? Because I have his name..." She cocks her head.

"No," He tells her. "Merlin's beard, if that was true I would be such a....muggle bore" He teases, she smirks and shakes her head. "He is obsessed with the muggles"

"I can see the appeal" She agrees, he looks at her surprised because that is not the view her father had on them. "What?"

"Just..." He shrugs and then shakes his head. "Nothing" He realises that thinking that of her repeats the mistake of assuming because of her name.

"It's George, right?" She asks him.

"Yeah" He seems surprised that she got it right the first time, that she seems to be able to tell him apart from his brother. Not many can. Even their parents have trouble.

"Thanks for bringing Attila back in one piece," She tells him, her hand brushing over Attila's head.

"He was great" He adds. "Real as a whip too"

"Yeah, he is" She agrees, but he's more than just smart, it's because he has a human brain. 

"I mean he picked up on what we were doing faster than I thought, you know....for a giant cat"

"What were you doing with him anyway?" She asks.

"We smoke bombed Filch and then switched Mrs........" George starts.

"Wait, no, I don't want to know the rest" She stops him. "That way if I am asked...I can say I know absolutely nothing" He smiles at her and nods. The two of them sharing a look. She then chuckles a little and walks away with Attila, George smiles behind her and then shakes his head. 

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