Chapter Sixteen

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Rhiannon stands with Dumbledore who has set a box onto his desk, he nods to it, for her to take it

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Rhiannon stands with Dumbledore who has set a box onto his desk, he nods to it, for her to take it. She raises an eyebrow, when he had called her into his office, she assumed she had done something wrong. That maybe he had found out about her and Harry and their secret dualling sessions and tutoring. She touches the box and looks at Dumbledore before she opens it. Finding a blue dress folded inside.

" me a dress?" She asks him.

"I...received instructions from your father to buy in his place" he admits. "Many...many letters of instruction" She looks down a little and lifts up the dress, the blue fabric a little paler than she would normally go for, she's pale herself so she usually goes for more earthy tones. She touches the fabric of the dress and smiles sadly. "When this is all over, we should discuss your father's estate...."

"Hmm?" She asks him.

"He had a formidable wealth before his...incarceration, by rights, it should be yours...I intend to sign it over to you"

"You had control?" She inquires, he nods.

"As your father's friend" Dumbledore offers. "It was left to me...."

"I heard the stories" She offers. "It must be hard for you, me being here....a reminder of that friendship"

"It is not your fault he betrayed me," Dumbledore tells her. "And it is not your fault are here"

"But still" She argues. "I can't imagine if someone I loved had a secret child with someone else that I would be happy when she suddenly turns up at my school" He looks at her surprised. "He talked about you, with great fondness" She admits. "And regret...I know how he felt about you....probably still feels about you" She looks at the dress in the mirror. "I assume if after all this time, you still feel so strongly about what he did, then you must still..."

"You are a very observant young girl" He is quick to tell her, interrupting her, she shrugs.

"When you are small and people look at you with hatred and fear, you get used to looking for things that they might hide....behind pretty smiles and...whispers" She admits and shrugs. "Thank you for the dress" She adds as she sets it back into the box. "It's really beautiful"

"I was just following instructions" He counters, she nods a little and picks up the box.

" did not have to do it" She adds. "You know...He's not the same man he once was" She tells him. "I know that it probably makes me seem really naïve, but he does genuinely seem to regret what he has done...To be honest, I don't think he has long left" She gives him a small smile and a nods before she walks away with her dress.

"Do any of us?" He muses as she leaves. He glances to his desk and lets out a breath.


Ron adjusts his dress robes, attempting to do something with them, as he and Ron head down the stairs towards the great hall. Harry's robes at least appear better, a real coat and tie in black. It looks a lot better than Ron's, he wants the floor to open and swallow him whole. Ron lets out a small breath and looks back up the stairs.

"Poor kid" He comments, Harry frowns a little. "Bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out"


"Hermione, of course," Ron answers. "C'mon, Harry, why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?"

"Because we'd take the mickey out of her?" Harry counters.

"No one asked her" Ron corrects him. "Would've taken her myself if she wasn't so bloody proud"

"Hello, boys" Parvati greets where she and Padma, in shocking pink and bright turquoise respectively, wait at the bottom of the stairs. "Don't you look.....dashing" Parvati's eyes rake over Ron's robes as she takes Harry's arm. Padma stares in open horror. McGonagall approaches the four of them, looking rather flustered.

"There you are, Potter. Are you and Miss Patil ready?" McGonagall asks him.

"Ready, Professor?"

"To dance. It's traditional that the three champions or in this case four are the first to dance. Surely I told you that"

"No" Harry admits.

"Oh, well now you know. You and Miss Patil will wait here and enter with the other champions. Weasley...." She falters, eyeing Ron's robes, then collects herself. "You and Miss Patil may proceed inside, to the great hall."

"C'mon then" Ron mumbles and drags Padma off, she looks back at her sister, pleading. Parvati just shakes her head. Just then, a gust of wind stirs the air and the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students file inside. As Fleur appears, her silk wrap flies free, fluttering like a dove into the air, leading Harry's eyes to...Rhiannon, who arrives hand in hand with George. Dressed in a beautiful off the shoulder blue gown. She looks stunning. She reaches up and catches the wrap before holding it out to Fleur who smiles and offers her thanks, the two of them breaking into a soft conversation as they await their entrance.

"Oh my god. She looks....beautiful" Parvati offers. Harry nods, glumly in agreement, staring at Rhiannon, then realises that Parvati is not looking at Rhiannon, but at Hermione at the top of the stairs. She makes her way to the bottom as Viktor appears, waiting for her. Hermione takes his arm and the pair walk towards the entrance of the great hall, pausing a moment to talk with Rhiannon who smiles at them both. Viktor kisses Rhiannon's cheek and then heads inside with Hermione. Rhiannon glances over and meets Harry's eyes, she waves her hand in a small wave, he waves back at her.

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