Chapter 7

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A/N: so I was thinking of making an Instagram. Should I or should I not please tell me. Also this shirt that Harry is wear is the shirt Grace let him borrow. 

Enjoy it's a good one.


Waking up feeling arms around my waist. Hearing a soft heart beat by my ear. I opened my eyes seeing Harry's chest. The shirt that I gave him was see through so I could see the two swallows tattoos. My hand on his chest with my head. He moves his hand up my back to my hair pushing it back behind my ear. We laid in silence.

"What time is it" I asked looking up at Harry. He turned to the side table looking at the clock I have.

"It is...8:30 in the morning," he said looking back at me.

"Shit" I said. Setting up on the bed still close to harry. His other hand was still around my waist.

"GRACE" Mitch said, entering the room looking at both me and Harry on the bed. Oh No. what are you going to do now Grace. He found you on the bed with him.

"Nothing happened Mitch" I said as I got off the bed and walked to my closet. I grabbed a red jumper and light blue jeans. I turned around facing Mitch and Harry. Harry got up and sat on the bed. Lucky ran up to Harry and jumped on the bed. He really likes Harry for some reason it scares me a little.

"Nothing happened but he is wearing your clothes" Mitch said pointing to the clothes Harry is wearing. The clothes Grace, the clothes.

"I gave them to him so he didn't have to wear his tight jeans and flannel to sleep" I said going to the bathroom and putting my clothes on the toilet top. I walked out and back to my room. Harry put down Lucky on the floor. Lucky ran to me and put his paws on my legs to pick him up. I picked him up and started to pet him.

"Do you guys have any pain killers?" Harry asked in a tired voice. His hand on his forehead.

"Yes we do" I said putting Lucky down and walking back into the bathroom opening the cabinet and grabbing the pill bottle. I walked back to my room and up to Harry handing him the bottle of pills. "Um you can make coffee..the only thing is that we don't have milk"

"It is okay I take my coffee black" He said standing up grabbing his clothes off the floor and putting them on the bed.

"Well then I'm going to go take a shower" I said walking to the bathroom.

"We leave at 9:15 Grace" Mitch yelled.

"Okay" I yelled back.

I walked to the shower turning it on. I started to take off my clothes. Throwing them on the floor next to the door.


I left Grace's room and went to the Kitchen to make breakfast. I grabbed a pan from one of the cabinets and put it on the stove. Harry walked out of Grace's room still wearing her shirt but he put his jeans on and a bottle of pills in his hand.

"What do you remember from last night?" I asked, opening the fridge and getting the eggs out. I put the eggs on the counter.

"I remember a little bit of here and there," He said, pulling out one of the chairs from the table and sitting down. Lucky ran to Harry and jumped to his lap.I grabbed butter out of the fridge and put it next to the carton of eggs.

"What is the little bit you remember?" I turned on the stove. I started to make scrambled eggs.

"Well I remember dancing with I think we talked about her dad something about a note...She said the note was about why he left" he put his head in his hand rubbing his eyes. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and put the counter.

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