The Quirk and discovery

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Izuku was a bright four year old who had two loves in his life. One was his love of heroes which he shared with his best friend Bakugo Katsuki or as he called him Kacchan. His second Love was more personal and that was his love of cooking.

It started when he was 3. His father loved him however he worked in Britain as a Building inspector. While his job was simple he loved it and was able to video call his family often. Because of this When he does stay at home he would cook for the family. The way his mother smiled and laughed when they ate always made him feel happy.

However his father was currently overseas at the moment when his mom was cooking from a late day of work as a lawyer. As she was tired she left a plate high on the shelf which as she walked towards the pot fell. In panic Izuku was running to catch it. He wasn’t able to make it in time but as he held out the plate was floating to Izuku's and his mother’s shock. Moving his hand the plate followed with him which he went to send it down used too much force and broke the plate accidentally.

“MOM I GOT MY QUIRK” Izuku yelled out in 4 year old glee as his mom looked at him with tears of joy.

“I’m so proud of you my baby” She said as went to grab a broom to clean up the broken plate. She wasn’t mad, it would have shattered anyway and izuku was trying to save it; he just didn’t have the control needed. “Tomorrow we will got the doctor to learn more about it and register it”

“Okay Mama I’m going to play in my room then” Izuku responded

It was the next day and instead of heading to school Izuku was on his way to the doctors office. As they got there they did tests on his quirk and learned many things about it.

 “Okay mam the tests are done, would you like me to read the results or would you”The man said to the pair.

“Could you read it so I can see if we have any questions about it.” Inko responded

“Sure the quirk of Midoriya Izuku is a Medium power telekinesis quirk. While he has a light load of 680 grams (Or about 1.5 pounds) which will increase depending on how much he trains and he gets older the true power is his control. HE has one of the best controls with directions and movement I have seen. His range is being able to grab or control something in a 7 foot radius however if he has it in his control he can move it up to a 11 foot radius. The drawback from what we observed is the more he uses and pushes it he will start to develop a migraine which not only hurts his head but also messes with his concentration lowering his control.” the doctor explained. “Now we just need to name it.”

“I know how about extrasensory,” Izu asked, getting a shocked look from the doctor whose 4 year old knows words like that. 

“Why Extrasensory” His mother asked

“I remember reading that it means something like a sixth sense like gaining knowledge not through physical sense but from my mind. Like how I replicate touch and move objects using my mind and not physically.” (Also because the author didn’t want an obvious name and remembered seeing the move in pokemon and went with it)

“Okay I will register the quirk congrats you are now officially part of the Main class emitter quirk user sub class telekinesis user”

Later that day after school ended, He and his mother went to Bakugou’s house to tell them the news.



As the kids talk about his quirk Mitsuki and Inko have a conversation. “So Inko he has a quirk similar to your do you know what he wants to be.” Mitsuki asked

“He seems to be debating between a hero and a cook but he doesn’t know just yet we will just have to wait and see.” Inko responded looking fondly as Izuku levitates one of Kacchan’s All Might figures around them

“So Izu-kun you going to be a hero now that you got your quirk” Bakugou asked

“I don’t know I really want to be a chef but also help you as a hero” Izuku said debating

“That’s fucking stupid just do both” Bakugou replied

“LANGUAGE YOU BRAT” Mitsuki yelled

“SHUT IT HAG” Bakugou yelled as well

Meanwhile Izuku ran over to his mom who was just patting Bakugou’s dads back


It was late at night and the Midoriyas were heading home after dinner with the Bakugous on their way Inko noticed Izuku’s distress and asked him what was wrong

“What should I do mama? I want to be a hero but I also want to become a chef. Kacchan said to do both but how do I be a chef and hero at the same time.” Izuku responded

Suddenly before Inko could respond they were pulled down an alley by someone

“Allright give me anything of value and nobody has to die” The person now identified as a villain said holding his finger to Mamadoriya.


Suddenly before either of the scared duo could say anything they heard the sound of a bone cracking. They look to see a man with black combat pants and a black jacket walking towards them. He had white hair but his mask covered his face all except for one glowing red eye

“Attacking an innocent family on their way home, people like you are the reason I became a hero” The man said.

“SCREW YOU” The villain yelled, aiming his hand at the hero firing sharp needles from his finger nails.

Suddenly the hero cracked another finger and had 3 large red tendrils come out of his back. Using two he propelled himself forward using the other one to block the attack needles breaking all the needles as they broke. Getting near the villain he used one tendril to strike the man under the chin knocking him in the air. Before using the other two he pinned him to the wall of the alley.

“NO I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING” the villain yelled breaking his own arm to aim at Mamadoriya and fired

“NO” Izuku yelled, using his quirk to grab a trash can lid to block the needles, barely able to hold it still before tossing it at the villain's head. The hero punched the villain in the face, knocking him out. 

Suddenly The hero went over and got on his knees looking at Izuku. “Thank you for the hand while I would have made it in time to block it. I would have had to release him, giving him another opportunity to harm you two.”

“Excuse me mister you said you're a hero but I don’t recognize you are you a new one.” Izuku asked

“No, I have been a hero for five years. I’m the ghoulish hero: eyepatch I’m an underground hero so I avoid the spotlight and tend to work at night.” Eyepatch said “He wasn’t able to do anything to you so why don’t you head home while I Take him in” He finished

“Thank you sir for saving me and my son” Inko said smiling at the hero

“Just doing my job”

As they got home Izuku took a bath while his mother put away the shoes and cleaned the entrance. Once he was done Izuku was taken to his room where Inko grabbed the blanket and tucked him in. Noticing his smile, Inko asked why.

“Kacchan was right mama. I can be a chef during the day and an underground hero at night. Eyepatch made me realize that” Izuku cheered. (Aizawa works as a teacher and underground hero izuku can find a way)

“Alright then how about this when you wake up tomorrow I will teach you how to cook eggs.”

“Yes thanks mama your the best” Izuku cheered

“Thank you sweetie. I love you to so why don’t you got to bed my heroic chef” Mamadoriya said as she kissed his head

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