Fake Love?

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This is a lot longer than the others because I had an idea and wants to write it. Sorry for any mistakes. ❤️

Hopper pulls into a parking space outside Melvalds, spotting the woman he's been in love with for as long as he can remember, inside. The light snow landing on his windshield. He breathes in heavily as he grabs his hat and places it on his head. He opens and closes the door rather loudly and briskly walks through the door as a bell goes off above his head.

"Hopper." Her face lights up when he walks through the door, interrupting her not-so-busy shift with a smile. He brushed the snow off his jacket. "Hey Joyce." He blows out a frustrated sigh, leaning his forearms on the counter. He picked at the peeling edge. Joyce knew this side of Hopper, he was being stubborn and getting overly frustrated. "What's going on, Hop?" He scrubbed his face with his palm as he repositioned himself to face the back wall of the store. "It's that kid, Mike. He's corrupting her."

Hopper had gone off on this rant for the past couple months since El and Mike had become a  couple at the Snowball. And the Christmas break only gave them more time to spend with each other. Everyday. Coming up to New Years, probably isn't helping Hopper either. No doubt the two would kiss at midnight during Karen's 'wild' New Years party. Joyce didn't really want to go, but Will and Jonathan were going. Though the kids will be in the basement the entire time. They had all become close after the horrible events over the past year and a bit. But Hopper was going to be there, so she would at least have someone she actually wanted to talk to.

Joyce just let Hopper go off on his rant about the two teens as she did her daily routine around the store, him following her around. When he finally seemed to calm down slightly, she thought it better to change the subject. "You and El are still coming to Karen's party tomorrow night, right?"

Hopper brightened up, but not very much. He had the same feelings towards Karen's party as Joyce did. Karen usually got really drunk, making a speech that made everyone uncomfortable and force them into an awkward silence, and this year would likely be no different. "Yeah, I guess. You going?" He looked more hopeful as Joyce turned to him with a small smile.

"Yeah, Will and Jonathan too. They'll most likely stay in the basement the whole time though. You're going to have to be my form of entertainment for the night." She smiled happily at him as he chuckled, setting his heart eyes gaze on her. "I think I can manage that."

Their moment was broken by the ring of a bell. "Oh a customer." She gestured towards the door as she went to talk to the one and only customer in the store. Sure Hopper was here, but they both know he wasn't here for the products Melvalds had to offer. He was here for her.


Joyce's small car stopped in the heavy snow outside the Wheeler house. Will and Jonathan both had huge smiles on their faces as they bounded up the steps of the front porch. Will rang the doorbell and not a second later, Karen opened the door already a little intoxicated.

"Hello, come on in. Will, Jonathan, everyone's already in the basement." The two boys didn't have to be told twice, before they were leaving Joyce's side and walking through the booming crowd. Will was so excited to see his friends that he almost ran into Hopper. "Jesus kid, slow down before you knock someone over." He chuckled watching the boy scramble down the steps, followed by his brother. He turned to come face to face with a smiling Joyce. "Hey." His whole face lit up at the sight of her. "Hey Joyce. Wanna drink?" He asked while looking down at her. Their height difference was laughable. "Yeah sure, Hop." He left her in the living room to get her a drink.

He was barely gone two seconds before a man she had never met or seen before and clearly cocky and full of himself, walked up to her. "Hey beautiful, wanna dance?" And clearly drunk. He held out a hand to her, the other occupied by his drink that had only a few drops left. Although there was music playing not many people were dancing and the ones who were, were already very drunk.

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