Enzos Part 1

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Hopper drew in a shaky breath as his nerves spiked through his trembling hands. He gripped the steering wheel firmly, his knuckles turning a faint white from the pressure. The deep blue eyes closed firmly shut for a brief second in an attempt to settle his racing heartbeat. He changed his thoughts focus to the person who could always calm him and make him feel safe and loved. Joyce.

 When his eyes opened once more, he returned to his familiar world and he calmed noticeably before taking one last deep breath, before the flashback ended his psychological torture. 

He had many moments like these over the past month. Flashbacks and nightmares never left him alone for a day as the memories of his torture replayed endlessly in his mind. Yes, they had gotten him out. They helped him escape the ghostly prison cell that had caused him excruciating pain and triggered the sickening thoughts that clouded his mind everyday he was trapped there. Even though he was back to his own world with the people he loved, the memories of his gruesome imprisonment still haunted him a month later and he doubted they would disappear over night.

It had been almost a year since that fateful, 4th of July summers night when he was pulled from everything he had come to love. His town, Hawkins, his daughter, El, as much as he hates to admit it, the Party, Mike, Will, Max, Dustin, Lucas and the others. And most of all, his Joyce.

He had never told her that he loved her. He should've. At Melvalds, at his cabin, at Hawkins Lab, at the mayor's house, in the woods, at Murray's house, in the Todfather, at the festival, at the mall, at the loading dock in the Russian base, and most importantly, when she thought his last moments were beside the machine that was about to explode. He should've told her then, but he was too much of a coward to admit his feelings. 

But now....tonight.....he wasn't going to be a coward. He was going to tell her how he felt. Tonight, Hopper was going to tell Joyce just how much he really loves her.


Bright headlights shown through the window, lighting up the dim room inside the Byers house. Joyce put the last of her light makeup on before hearing a knock at the door. 

Her boys weren't home, they were staying over at the Wheelers along with the rest of the Party. El and Will had been so excited to have a sleepover with the rest of their friends after they had been apart for so long. Jonathan went too to keep an eye on Will and also spend some much needed time with Nancy. El practically begged Hopper to let her go and at first he was skeptical. Joyce understood why he didn't want her sleeping next to her boyfriend all night long with no adult supervision, but she reminded him of how sweet and innocent El and Mike were and after much convincing, he caved.

Now she was getting ready for the date they had planned for the night their kids wouldn't be home alone. Their date to Enzos was long overdue and they both needed this. They needed each other.


The door opened, revealing Joyce in a beautiful, small black dress with her slightly wavy hair framing her face while a smile crept up her features. Hopper stood in the doorway, his jaw practically on the floor as he gazed over the dazzling woman in front of him.

"Y-you look beautiful, Joyce."

She chuckled at him as he stayed rooted in place, entranced by her beautiful appearance, inside and out, before she grabbed her nearby coat and slipping it around her form.

Hopper was still in a daze when she moved around the room to gather her things before returning to the open door. He grinned down at her small body still dumbfounded by her enhanced beauty. 

Of course she always looked absolutely gorgeous to him. Everyday he was amazed by her natural beauty and charm. She amazed him everyday with her smile, beauty, charm, intelligence, strength, will, wisdom, care, determination, kindness, gentleness, courage, confidence, dedication, ambition, patience, optimism, honesty, loyalty, trust and most of all...her love for those around her.

Joyce chuckled again at his expression and slipped her hand into his larger hand. She gently pulled him through the door and he snapped out of his thoughts instantly, walking alongside her to his truck. He smiled down at their locked hands as they walked before bringing his eyes up to study her face as they walked. She was the most beautiful, intelligent, funny, caring person he had ever come to know and he was in love with her before they had even shared a kiss. 

He opened the car door for her like a gentleman should, before closing it behind her with a content smile on his lips. Venturing around the front of the truck with a slight skip in his step, his door made a creak of complaint as it swing open, allowing him access to the interior. He climbed into the drivers seat with a grunt, turning the ignition as the car roared to life.

"You ready?" He glanced over, his eyes met her sparkling brown ones. She grinned. "Yeah, Hop. Let's go to Enzos...finally." 

They both let a chuckle escape their lips as he reached over and grasped her hand between their seats. His nerves calmed a she gently squeezed his hand. He intertwined their fingers and let him thumb lazily drift over her soft skin. Using one hand to steer and the other firmly clasped into Joyce's petite hand with a wide smile spread across his face as he thought to himself.

We're finally going on that date.

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