I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but there are multiple dorks in the world who use numbers and microscopes because they enjoy it. These dorks use their inevitable life of solitude to think about stuff like reality, time, and how to make life more comfortable for all these idiots who call them dorks all the time.
Obviously, I am not one of these dorks. I am just a very learned man, and you know I’m a learned man because I refuse to identify myself as a woman. In my learnedness, I have come across some pretty astonishing theories on space and time, and these I must share with you so you can walk around with Keanu Reeves-style bewilderment as well. Now listen: I am not here to replace your Saved by the Bell knowledge with all this dorkness. I am only here to make you go “whoa” for a second or two.

Astonishing Science Facts
HumorPrepare to have your brains exploded with three astonishing facts about the science! You will read this and you will instantly be the life of the party, what with all your newfound intelligence. Don't worry--these facts have been written in small wo...