Have you heard of the string theory? If not, let me give you a brief primer. The string theory postulates that the entire universe exists within a beautiful knitted infinity scarf made by God’s grandma. Within the strings of the scarf, everything is interconnected via quantum particles (more on this later), and the scarf travels through space and time, vibrating like a son of a bitch all the while.
However, some dorks think that time is not a straight arrow, which is how we perceive it within the scarf; rather, they think every single moment occurs all at once and time is more or less an illusion created by our interpretation of the scarf. Our tiny brains arrange these single moments so it appears we are traveling through time, but really, we aren’t. That explains why time appears to proceed differently to everyone who perceives it—we are only organizing these moments to create a semblance of coherence to our limited consciousness.
From this perspective, we’re more like a fart in the wind—we may exist, sure, but really were we ever there? I guess it depends on the power of our smell.

Astonishing Science Facts
HumorPrepare to have your brains exploded with three astonishing facts about the science! You will read this and you will instantly be the life of the party, what with all your newfound intelligence. Don't worry--these facts have been written in small wo...