Even the dumbasses of the world have pondered parallel universes before. It’s a popular topic among stoners, mainly because you can know nothing about it but still pretend you have the brain cells to comprehend it. How many times in your life have you uttered, with a droplet of drool protruding from your Cheeto-encrusted mouth, “Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, I could totally be doing this in another universe right now”?
We tend to think of parallel universes as separate but probably somewhat similar; each universe represents every possibility for every decision ever made, or at least that’s what the movies tell us. There are some universes where dinosaurs are flying around in spaceships right now, and some where we’re nothing more than a nightmare our moms had on her wedding night. How does this happen, though? How do these universes come to be? Easy! Scott Bakula, of course!
Some dorks think the whole reason quantum mechanics exists is due to parallel universes. All universes, they say, began at one point, occupy the same space, and are gradually made dissimilar from each other through Bakulas that communicate with one another across the universes. Basically, that universe where wrestling fans are cool? Totally repulsive to this universe, and this universe went and told all its friends to stay away from that universe. Those repulsive forces actually create the bizarre behavior we see on a quantum level, and it opens up the possibility that we can make like Scott Bakula and jump around from universe to universe.

Astonishing Science Facts
HumorPrepare to have your brains exploded with three astonishing facts about the science! You will read this and you will instantly be the life of the party, what with all your newfound intelligence. Don't worry--these facts have been written in small wo...