a bunch of shitty memes i made based off of a roleplay with XxArkansasxX.
Arkansas: I'm gonna kill you!
Third Reich:
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Arkansas: *gets kidnapped*
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Arkansas: *gets kidnapped*
Delaware: did you know anything about this?
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Iwate: I can shapeshift!
New York: I can walk in other people's dreams!
Arkansas: My powers switch depending on my emotions!
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I'm not even explaining this one.
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Third Reich to Arkansas: I'm ur mom
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not explaining this one either.
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art & stuff
Fanfictiontitle. obviously. i will update when i feel like it so they will probably be few and far between also the stuff in the beginning is old and crusty and gross just ignore that- (this used to be art and rants but i think now its just gonna be art and s...