title. obviously.
i will update when i feel like it so they will probably be few and far between
also the stuff in the beginning is old and crusty and gross just ignore that-
(this used to be art and rants but i think now its just gonna be art and s...
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The orange and yellow god is Lux. He is the god of daytime, fire, light, and the sun.
The blue and purple goddess is Nox. She is the goddess of nighttime, darkness, the moon, and water.
The animal skull in the middle represents Cibus, the god of food and agriculture.
The carved emblem above the animal skull symbolizes the trinity. The triangle for Lux, the circle for Nox, and the pentagon for Cibus. This crest is regularly used in rituals.
Many of this cult's rituals require human sacrifice. These people believe from the souls, Lux spins light, from the blood, Nox forms water, and from the flesh, Cibus creates food. The pain induced in the ritual before the sacrifice dies gives the three strength to continue forming resources for the people.
The bones of the sacrifices go to Canis, a huge demon dog that lives within the earth. If Canis is not pleased, he will shake the ground in massive earthquakes.
They believe should they not sacrifice anyone, the light would fade, the water would dry, the food would wither, the ground would fissure and crack, and life would be no more.