15. Trouble and Scares on My Land

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Blaire's POV
I've met Maxen's mom. She's awesome. And her food, it's to die for. Her lasagna...mwah....her spaghetti and meatballs voila.....her creme brulee and lobster bisque, I dont know what the hell that is but helll it tastes good.

Emery and Rae just ate like the rent's doesnt feed 'em.

"So Blaire how's it like, being mates with my trouble of a brother?" Mateo asked... "it's great...I realized that we have alot in common...he's trouble though." everyone erupted in laughter.

"I'm not" Max complained. "Are too....remember the time you broke one of mere's anniversary vase pere bought her?"

"That was supposed to be a secret between us you chien."

"Oh dieu." "Oh so your the one who broke my vase...I've been trying to figure that out for the past 12 years who broke the vase. Since I know it's you...no cheesecake souffle for you, I'll just give Blaire your share." "Mom, mom mom mom mom mom, mon mere you know you love me you can't do that, you know that's my favorite dessert after supper, mom you cant do this to me."

"Sure I can."

Smack...Maxen just slap Mateo across the head..."You see what you just cause...tu viens de me coûter mon souffle and your gonna pay it back." I never new Max could get this violent over pastry I'll keep that in check.

Suddenly "Nadia take the kids upstairs and go with them you too girls and mom."

"Why what's wrong" I asked. "There's someone trespassing on my land better yet theres more..." Max explains.

"Let's go...Rae watch Blaire she's stubborn you already know that but dont let her leave I mean it got it...I love you both." Emery said to both of us.

"Belle listen to your brother ok." "Ok...come back to me please and link me if, no tell Emery to link me if you need me or anything ok?" He nodded and gave me a kiss on the head. Those kisses from him are the best even Emery.

They left to see what intruder is on land. Even Mr. Aimes Senior. He gots quite the look...no wonder where my man and his brother got them from.

Maxen POV
We ran out and shifted. I catch unto the sent and smelt rouge's and an omega. 'Follow me' I took off in full speed going in the direction where the rouges are.

I see them cornering a little boy. Three rouges one omega. These filthy scums never learn. 'What are you scums doing in my territory?'

'Your territory, last time we checked we go where ever we please.'

'And that stops today.' I pounced on the one infront of me and scratch his face with my claws Emery is fighting off the one that was going after the little omega and Dad and Mateo is fighting the other one.

I managed to do some damage to the one I was fighting so he couldnt get back up for now. I went to help Emery. Before I could help he killed that one. Knowing dad and Mateo they got the other one under control.

I shifted put on some gym shorts that we left all over the forest in some areas and went over to the little omega. But he seems scared. 'Shift omega' it took him awhile but he was okay. "Why are you here?" He wouldn't answer my questions.

It took us while to get him to talk. I got someone in mind who can help. "Emery link Blaire...ask her if she can help tell her to bring Chace and an a shirt with her preferably a large one." "Ayye"

We question the boy to see if anything will be out of him but to no avail so we waited until Chace and Blaire both arrived.


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