19. Precautions

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Maxen's POV
I showed the letters to Blaire and Chace and they switched to read the other. Blaire got so upset Rose came out and destroyed half my utensils and said "Nobody's taking my Man and baby." I had to kiss her to keep her calm and let Blaire back out.

And I was proud to be called her man. But for reals no one fout(f**ks) with my family. Excuse my vulgar language.

On the other hand Chace ran up the stairs for what I dont know, but he came back down and said "oh god my nephew's safe. I'm just glad. If they took ohh how I'd go on a rampage. And you know how Luke is when he loves something." Me too Chace I'll go on a rampage and even make sure that Keir is in full control of my body until he gets what he wants. And Luke, Oh boy, Luke and Keir are like two peas in a pod. If one of us got hurt the other makes sure that who ever hurt them gets beat up pretty bad. It's been like that since we were kids.

And now it's much worse since we got older and stronger and more vicious.

Now I'm sitting on the couch with Chace waiting on my two lives to get ready.

"Daddy." Speaking of one of them.

"Daddy how do yo- oof" that's the fastest I've ever gotten up off the couch. I went to look at where he was and saw face forward on the floor. Then he started crying. I lift him up and saw he busted his lips.

"Ohh bud. Chace come with me and take down the first aid kit from the top cupboard."

"Hold on baby mommy's....what's wrong?"

"He came down the stairs and trip face planted. Keep him from crying anymore so I'll get the ice pack from the freezer."

He stopped crying. I put the ice pack on his lips for a little while. His bottom lip had a scrape that will take a while to heal cause he's an omega and stuff.

I dressed his lip and put back the ice pack on his lip to keep it from hurting him. "Ok bud we're all done and I'm going to give you a treat on the way."

"Oh babe did call Emery to see if you could bring Aiden?"

"Yea I did but he couldnt neither could Rae because they have training and patrolling today so we're gonna pick him up, but also he said that he'll stay with him until we get there."

"Ok let's go. Chace you driving?"

"Of course I cant leave my baby what's wrong with you"

"Daddy, who is Aiden?"

"Aiden is Mommy's little brother."

"Mommy has two brothers?"

"Yea. I have two brother Uncle Emery and Aiden. Aiden is eight years old just like you."


By that time conversing we were in Belle's car. And have I told you I love it more than I love my Mercedes.

**Time Skip to Blaire's old pack**

I was at the border of Dante's pack and saw warriors patrolling. "Alpha" the bow their heads shown in submission. "Let them through" We were on our way up to Blaire's old house where she used to live.

When we got out some people were shocked to see her. Especially the unmated and her parents. Her parents, oh they grieve me so bad I let out a low growl. Blaire must've heard it "Cutie it's ok. We're just going to get Aiden for the day and then bring him back home."

I just nodded and pushed Keir back down.

We walked up to the door with me holding Matthew's hand and rang the doorbell. "I'll get it." I heard a small voice said behind it. The door was swung open and "Blairey " I'm guessing this is Aiden. He's cute for his age. "Aidy. What's up lil' bro. I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Its been a month. Things a boring without you around here."

"Hey I thought I was more fun." Emery butted in. "No offence Em your just into Rae too much to have fun with me."

"Now when you put it that way lil bro, I'll have fun with you."

"Did you pack his bag for the day?" Blaire asked. "Yes I did. Hey Matt my bud. What's up?"

"The sky." "That's right bud. Aiden this Matthew...Matthew Aiden."

"HII!" They shouted in unison. I could tell they're going to be friends for a long time. Putting Raphael in there they'll be an unstoppable trio.

"Emery what's up man?"

"The sky. I'm kidding I'm kidding. I'm good. I got laid last night." He whispered the last part. "No wonder your smiling so much."

"Ok let's go we have a long day ahead of us. Later Em tell Rae I stopped by." He walked out the door and closed it ready to go to training.

"Bye Uncle Emery." " Bye big bro." The boys said in unison.

We were about to go in the car when her parents stopped us.

"Where are you going with our son."

"Hi Blaire. Hi mom parentals. How are you? I'm fine how are you? We are great. How you holding up? I'm doing just fine. I have my mate and my son so I'm great." Blaire responded with an imitation of how she thought it would be. Sure I would be like that too.

Her parents turn to me and bow there head in respect "Alpha"

Then they turned back to Blaire "your not going anywhere with my son and what are you talking about your son?"Her mother asked "Yes I am. I'm taking him for they day because i miss my little brother. And yes I have a son so will you get out of my way I would like to go where we are going.

Her mother was about to step up to her but I did infront of her. "With all due respect ma'am we are taking Aiden and Matt for the day and then we'll bring him back home. We'll tell you if anything happens to him. Understood?"

"Yes Alpha"

"Good." I went and open the door for belle and then went to my side.

"Uncle Max where we going?" Aiden asked. Ok this kid's too cute maybe almost the same as Matt.

"Well Aiden we are going to my pack house and then maybe go places you guys would like to go and I have to stop to give Matt his treat for busting his lip."

"Hey. I fell. And when we get to the pack house you can meet my other friend Raphael. He's six." I chuckled at there excitement.

I just have this feeling that's off.

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