11.Lovey Dovey and Cuddley

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Blaire's POV

We are home and I realized we bought a lot of chinese food. I went up the stairs to change into more comfortable clothes. I put on a booty shorts that covers my ass and a shirt and a sweatshirt and my pair of uggs that I brought from home.

I went back downstairs hungry as hell. What? We women live for food. I went in the kitchen to find max more comfortable than I am wearing a sweat pants with no shirt on.

I must be staring for a long time only to hear him clear his throat "do you still want the Chinese or you got something else in mind to eat?"

By this time my face was red like a tomato. "Uum....I'll take Chinese hehe. For now" I muttered that last part hoping he wouldn't hear but I cursed myself and remembered that we're werewolves and we got great sense of hearing and sleeping. And guess what he chuckled. That's the best part I like to hear from him.

Haaa sigh.... why am I so lucky for him to be my mate.

Maxen POV
I was in the kitchen shirtless hoping belle won't mind. But it looks like she doesnt since she's standing there checking me out. So I got an idea of flirting with her the whole night till we fall asleep. So first up......"do you still want the chinese or you got something else in mind to eat?"I asked while biting my bottom lip.

"Uum...I'll take Chinese. For now." I was shocked she said the for now part.

I was thinking maybe staying either in the living room, my bedroom or the movie room to watch a movie with her.

"Do you wanna watch a movie either in the living room, my bedroom or the movie room belle?"

"Uum...I think your bedroom...why because I want to see your stash of candy and your shoes I'll decide to see if they'll stay"

"My belle you aren't touching my shoes nor am I showing you my stash."

"Pwease CUTIE atleast show me the stash if you're not letting me touch your shoes?"she pouted...that fucking pout it just kills me.

"Oh mon dieu...pourquoi dois-tu être si mignon? Fine I'll let you see my stash"

"Ooo thank you cutie"she kissed my cheek and made her way upstairs. She kissed my cheek now this side of my face wont be washed until necessary..... well if I remember. And can i say her ass is looking nice in that shorts.

Some thoughts i tell you will kill me off and make me horny in no time.

I brought the food upstairs and open my room door. First thing I saw is that belle had made herself comfortable under my duvet while looking for something. Her ass was in the air while on all fours..oh mon dieu. SHUT THE FUCK UP...WE DONT TO SCARE HER OFF DO WE?...no no I don't.

"Looking for something"

"Yea the remote...where is it?"

"Uum...check the bedside table."

I don't watch TV at all...I just use it to blast music throughout the house or if I'm on the bed I use it as background effect. Other than that, I dont watch TV at all.

I saw her went on Netflix. I got a subscription for that purpose...if you think bringing another woman here was all i did before meeting belle, i never did any of that. The women in my pack maybe pretty but i respect myself to wait on my mate and now she's here with me that's all i asked for and i got it.

"Do you like watching Riverdale?"

"What's that?"

She gasped. Was I supposed to know what that is. "Max..how can you not know what Riverdale is...you know what, gimme the food come sit and watch the series with me."

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