The Pack

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I was running around in the woods with my wolf mother when I suddenly had to come to a screeching halt. There was a wolf just a little bigger than Stacey just standing there and growling at me. Did she bring me here to kill me? Did they want me to fight? Anxiety rushed through my veins and I couldn't move. Stacey nudged him with her nose with an annoying look to tell him to stop. "Jacob, this is Samantha. Your sister."

"You're my sister?"


"Awesome! Are you living with us now?"

"No, I'm just visiting. I was just wanting to get to know you guys."

"Awesome!" He transformed back into a human so Stacey and I did the same. "We're so excited to have you. The pack has been searching for you for years."

"Wait. There's more of us?"

"Oh, yes. There's loads more. They're not all family by blood but they're still werewolves that need a place to live so they came and found us. Come on. I'll introduce you to them."

All I could do was follow him into the deepest part of the woods. I was never allowed this far out because my mom said it was super dangerous. She always said that this is where the wolves mostly stay and if I'd go back here, they'd try to eat me. But little did she know that they were werewolves.

Being a werewolf was so fun and cool. I stayed with my pack for three days. They showed me tricks each one could do. They told me legends about werewolves that I thought were just stories. They taught me to look deep within myself to find out what kind of wolf I am. Each one of them were different. They all had the same basic skills but each wolf had its own set of skills that no other wolf had or could learn. I found out that I have night vision and super strength. I'm also starting to learn how to read people's minds.

They're helping me with controlling myself as well. Since being around humans makes wolf senses come out super easily, I needed to learn how to cover it up.

They asked about the humans. "I mean, are all humans as bad as the ones that come out here? Just like wolves, there has to be good and bad ones, right?" Jacob asked after listening to me talk about my human family for three days.

"Yes. There's definitely humans you want to stay away from. For the most part, all of the bad humans are the ones that do come out here. If there's any outside of the woods, then they're usually the ones talking in the walkie-talkies and telling them what to do. My family are good humans. You could meet them sometime if you'd like." I went on to explain what a walkie talkie was when the sun started to come through the clouds. My three days were over. I had to go home.

"Guys, as much fun as I've had with you, I do have to go home now. The weekend is over and I have to go to school." I gave Stacey and Jacob a hug before I ran through the back yard and climbed the side of my house to my bedroom window. I didn't want to wake up my mom and JJ by going through the front door.

I closed my window and looked at the clock. It was five o'clock in the morning. I had some time to shower and eat before the bus came. No time to sleep, unfortunately. I had to get the wolf smell off of me so people at school wouldn't think I've been running with dogs without bathing. I mean, that's kind of exactly what I've been doing, but they didn't need to know that. I grabbed clean clothes and a towel and headed for the shower.

When I walked out of the bathroom, JJ's bedroom door was open. He and my mom must be awake now. I ran downstairs to talk to them. My mom had a huge bowl of cereal on the table for me next to JJ, my usual seat. "Good morning!" I said very cheerfully. Even though I haven't slept much in the last three days, I wasn't very tired right now. I still had lots of adrenaline running through me.

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