New Adition

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We were walking in the park when my mom froze. "Mom, are you OK?"

"It's time"

"Not here! Not now!"

"Sam. It's. Time."


"Well, you're just going to have to figure it out" She started wobbling back to the car. How am I supposed to deliver a baby in a car. In the middle of the park!

When we were both in the car, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My mom's about to have her baby. I don't know how to deliver a baby!"

"Alright. Try and stay calm. I'll get you in touch with a doctor."

"OK" I waited for only a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity.


"Hi. My mom's in labor and I don't know how to deliver a baby." I said it as fast as I could with still attempting to be as calm as I could be.

"Where are you?" I heard buttons being pushed and paper being moved around.

"Gantz Park."

"Wow. OK. I'm going to give you instructions and I need you to listen very carefully, OK?"

"OK" I faced my mom and listened to the doctor.

"Go ahead and put your cell phone on speaker and set it next to you."

I put my phone on speaker and set it on the seat next to me. "Ok. You're on speaker."

"OK. How far is she dilated?"

"Ummmm.... About eight inches."

"OK. She's almost ready. Tell your mom to breathe deeply and constantly." I looked at my mom.

"Mom, keep breathing. Breathe deep and constant." She did as I said. A few moments later, I started freaking out. "She's ten inches! What do I do now?"

"Put your hands under her and tell her to push." As she was giving me instructions, I heard her shuffling papers still.

"Mom, it's time. Push!" She pushed and screamed.

"OK. Give her five seconds and then tell her to push again. Keep doing that until you see a head. I'm going to stay on the line. Go ahead and tell her to push again." I couldn't understand how she could continue to be so calm in this situation!

"Push, Mom!" She pushed and screamed again. "I see a head! What now?" It felt like this was never going to end!

"Put your hands around the baby's head and very easily and slowly, pull as your mom pushes. The ambulance should be pulling in now to help you." At that second, I heard sirens.

"Thank God!" I was relieved that this was almost over.

"Get out of the car so they know where you are."

"Where am I putting the head?" She obviously didn't think this one through.

"Just open the car door." I don't know how I was supposed to do that with a baby's head in my hand... But I opened the door and started yelling so they would know where we were.

"Mom, push!" She gave one last push and the baby was finally all the way out. I have a baby brother!

Oh, no! The umbilical cord! I forgot about that! I hope they get over here fast. "Mom, don't move." The doctors finally came over with a couple towels and scissors. They cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby up. I helped my mom get out of the car and onto the stretcher as they were securing the baby and getting things ready to make the trip to the hospital. I took her hand. She looked so weak... "I'll meet you there. I'm going to bring the car." I hated leaving her but I also knew that I was going to need a ride home from the hospital and taking the car was the only way I could think of.

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