The Decision

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Over the next month, I stayed away from the pack and the humans. Since I'm both, it's been really hard choosing which path I wanted to take. I was hoping that I'd be able to visit the other side, no matter what I decided to do. But I also needed to rest. Last month was really hard on me physically and mentally and I needed to regain my strength before I made any kind of decision.

I walked downstairs and my mom was in the kitchen making dinner. "Do you need any help?"

"Well, look who it is." My mom looked happy to see me. I've been hibernating for a long time.

"The beast is awake." I wasn't as happy as she was.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I've just been doing a lot of thinking is all."

"Well, I may not know exactly what you're feeling with this, but I do know that I'm going to support whatever decision you make, OK?"

"Thanks, Mom." That kind of didn't cheer me up at all because, to me, it sounded like she was expecting me to choose the wolves. I guess if I was in her shoes, I'd expect the same thing.

"Have you heard from Stewart or Ash recently?" She continued cooking.

"No. I haven't been talking to anyone much lately."

"What about your wolves? How is it going with them?" I think she was just trying to get me to talk.

"I haven't seen them a lot either. Look, can we not talk about this right now, please? It's all just giving me a constant headache."

"Sure, Honey. Go ahead and eat. Maybe it'll make you feel a little bit better."

"Thanks. Can I eat in my room?" I was just done with talking now.

"Sure." She got me a plate of food and a sprite and I took it to my room. A full moon was supposed to be tomorrow. And I didn't know what I was going to do. 

"Good morning, Mom." I sat down to eat some toast with her. I got ready for school super fast somehow this morning and had some time to spare.

"Good morning, Sweetie. How are you feeling?" She poured me a glass of orange juice.

"Better than yesterday. Lots of sleep has been helping." I still wasn't interested in talking about it though.

"Well, I was going to have dinner ready for when you get home from school. What would you like?"

"I'm going out with Stewart tonight" I only decided this while I was getting ready for school this morning so I hadn't had a chance to tell her. 

"Oh. Okay. That's fine." She sat there and looked at me for a second. Then she picked up her empty plate and glass and said, "Well, you better head out to school. You don't want to be late." I think I hurt her feelings.

JJ came down the stairs as I was heading for the door. "Sam, can we go shopping tonight? Just us?"

"I wish I could, Buddy. But I was going to spend some time with Stewart tonight. I haven't seen him in a long time. I'll see you no later than six thirty though, OK? I promise."

"OK" He didn't seem too convinced by this but I didn't have time to talk to him about it. I kissed my mom's cheek and my brother's head and headed for school. Before I shut the door, I heard JJ say, "She always says that and it never happens anymore. She's always spending time with her stupid pack." I heard a cabinet slam and then his bedroom door slam. Man. I was hurting everyone.

I had to do something. So I texted Stewart. "Hey. Do you want to come over to my house tonight after your doctor's appointment? I haven't seen JJ or my mom in a long time it seems like and it's starting to upset both of them as well. I was thinking we could all hang out tonight."

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