Baptism of Fire

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The witcher smiled as he slowly approached, he tried to sound calm and rational, "Ciri...I..."

The witcheress raised her hands, she didn't want to hear him criticize her, "(F/N), please...I know...I've thought about this. This is something I need to..."

(F/N) interrupted, he didn't sound happy, he sounded hopeful, "Ciri...I know...I know this is something you must do...I wish it wasn't...but this is your path."

The witcher took her hands and smiled, "I love you...I know you can do this. It's your destiny...but..."

"Yours is different?" Ciri's voice was above a whisper as she repeated what he had said.

He nodded, the witcheress looked at the portal, her eyes shined, but she nodded, "Alright...I must..."

The witcher leaned forward and hugged her, he didn't want to let go, but he knew he would have to, "Just promise me. Promise me you'll come back."

Ciri nodded as she buried her head in his shoulder, her arms wrapped around him, "I promise. I'll come back."

(F/N) let her go, he winked at her as he slowly backed away, "Alright. Go kick this things ass."

Ciri smiled slightly, but there was pain in her eyes, she looked as though she wanted to say something, but she nodded. She took a breath as she walked through the portal, there was a flash, and she was gone.


Ciri was knocked off her feet as soon as she arrived. She let out a yell as she was nearly carried off by the ice cold wind. The snow was peppering her. The ground was covered in snow and ice. She had never experienced anything this cold in her life. She slowly got up as she tried to gain her bearings. She walked towards the source of the wind, she was close very close. Ciri nearly fell back down as the wind grew stronger. Then she saw it the source. It was a bright ball of energy, powerful energy. For a moment, doubt flickered in her mind, Ciri covered her eyes with her arms. She slowly took a breath, her mind drifted to one thing, (F/N).

She remembered laughing with him and Geralt as they threw snowballs at each other. Not a care in the world. As if they had no responsibility, as if there was nothing to worry about. She remembered when they were side by side in front of Philippa and Margarita. They stood up for each other. No matter the situation. He would always have her back. She would always have his. She smiled as she remembered destroying Avallac'h's laboratory. He knew how to cheer her up, he knew nearly everything about her. Then she remembered his words, he cared for her, he believed in her. He always wanted the best for her.

The witcheress felt a warmth spread through her body. She knew destiny had different plans for her and (F/N). But they would always be there for each other. The Child of the Elder Blood marched forward, she knew the White Frost didn't stand a chance.


(F/N) smiled slightly as he saw the icicles melting. It was getting warmer everyday. Hopefully winter would be over soon. White Orchard didn't handle winter well. Almost everyplace was closed and boarded up. Thankfully the inn was open. The innkeeper had even started a fire. (F/N) sighed as he read Philippa's letter, she would be here within the hour. There was no other way of getting around it, today was the day. He heard Zoltan's laugh, "I might believe you if you showed me a pair of monogrammed batiste galligaskins."

Dandelion laughed as he leaned back into his table, "More likely you'd just say I stole them."

Geralt was sitting next to them, silently listening to them, his smile was present, as he spoke, "Dimwits."

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