Time of Contempt

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(F/N) slowly stepped forward, his gaze focused on Ciri. His heart beat faster, as he slowly walked up, "Ciri..."

The witcheress turned, "(F/N)."

The witcher stared at her, he looked as though he wanted to say something, but the sheer emotion, was just too much. What if he said the wrong thing? What if he made the wrong choice? The sheer responsibility was more than enough. He took a breath and stepped forward, as he tried to do the one thing he wanted to do, save Ciri, "Don't do this."

The child of the elder blood shook her head, "I have to, I've no choice."

"Yes you do! Gods! I watched you do the exact same thing all those years ago...if you hadn't...it could have been different...it could have been better. I can't watch that again."

Ciri's cheeks flushed, "It's not just about you! There's other worlds! Other people! They'll all die if not..."

"I don't care! Please! I don't want to lose you!"

Ciri took a step to the portal, she glanced at it, she shook her head as she looked at the ground, "You already have," she muttered. The witcheress leapt through the portal.


The witcher nearly ran through the portal himself, but he stopped right at the edge, "No!"


Ciri was knocked off her feet as soon as she arrived. She let out a yell as she was nearly carried off by the ice cold wind. The ground was covered in snow. She slowly got up as she tried to gain her bearings. She walked towards the source of the wind, she was close very close. Ciri nearly fell back down as the wind grew stronger. Then she saw it the source. It was a bright ball of energy, powerful energy. For a moment, doubt flickered in her mind, Ciri covered her eyes with her arms. She slowly took a breath, her mind drifted to one thing, (F/N).

The witcheress tried to think about all the times he had supported her, but all she could think off was what had happened. He didn't trust her to do this. She had done things twice as hard as this. The witcheress shook her head. Did he even believe in her? Did he want her to just follow him around blindly while he lived his life? Almost certainly not. But that thought lingered in her mind. She shook her head as she tried not to think about it.

Ciri glared, she felt her heart turn cold, she didn't need him. She didn't need anyone. She wasn't doing this for him. She wasn't even doing it for Geralt. She was doing it for the other worlds who would never even understand what was happening. Ciri growled as she marched towards the source. The wind pushed against her more and more. She wasn't sure she could do this, but she had to, or she would die trying.


(F/N) sat drinking in the inn, he wasn't doing anything of interest. He wasn't working a contract. He didn't even know why he was in this town. He had no idea where he even was, he didn't particularly care. The inn was gloomy, there were a group of Nilfgaardians cheering the success of their home country. Some man running a hand over a woman who was telling him to stop. Then there was the innkeeper. He merely stood there, watching the witcher finish his drink, and slammed his mug down, "More."

The innkeeper sighed and pulled the mug away, "I think you've had enough."

(F/N) looked at the man with his red eyes, he wasn't in the mood to be denied one of life's simplest of pleasures, "I said more."

The innkeeper leaned over the bar, he bared his yellow teeth, his breath stunk as he spoke, "You ain't even paid for what you drank."

"I'll pay when I'm finished. Give. Me. More. Now."

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