The Last Wish

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"Magic is chaos, art, and science. It is a curse, a blessing and progress."- Yennefer of Vengerburg


When the pair of witchers and the Jarl made it to the coronation, it was a late night. There was a crowd of people surrounding a large tree, there was a stage crafted around it. The crowd parted as they made their way to the front, the Jarl boomed, "We're just in time."

Crach bid the witchers farewell as he made his way to the stage. Geralt looked at (F/N), they both knew exactly who would wear the crown. Donar, the elder, spoke to the crowd, "Weren't long ago we gave King Bran back to the sea. Today our mourning ends. Today, by the grace of the gods and the clans, a new ruler takes the crown."

Donar stepped aside and pointed to Cerys. (F/N) smiled under his mask as she slowly stepped forward to greet the crowd. Most of whom she now ruled over. Donar bowed, "Let us swear her fealty."

Cerys slowly walked over to a shrine, the crown of the Skelligan throne was resting there. She slowly picked it up. The crowd cheered as she slipped it on her head. (F/N) smiled, it fit her perfectly. When Cerys turned around, she looked at (F/N) and smiled. The witcher did a mock bow, causing the Queen to laugh. The witcher turned and saw Madman Lugos shaking his head angrily, when Cerys began speaking, he stormed off. Clearly having an an Craite sit on the throne was not something he wanted.

The witcher listened to Skellige's new Queen speak, "I know some would see another in my place. I thank those who stood at my side. Here, beneath the Sacred Oak, I pledge to be a good queen to the ones and the others. I want peace and prosperity to reign in Skellige. And I count on you to help me fulfill that dream."

The crowd started cheering her name, "Cerys! Cerys! Cerys!" (F/N) even briefly joined in, but Geralt silenced him and reminded him of witcher neutrality. When the crowd slowly started walking off, (F/N) walked up to greet the Queen, he did an over exaggerated bow, "Your highness."

"You may stand, witcher."

They both laughed at there new roles. (F/N) smiled and gestured to her crown, "Congratulations, if anyone deserves to lead, it's you."

"Thank you. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

(F/N) laughed, and made a gesture, "Words. Words. Words. You would have been crowned without me."

Cerys bit her bottom lip, she had wanted to ask him an important question, "You know...I still need a king to rule behind me."

The witcher burst out laughing, he couldn't believe he was even asked, "I appreciate the offer, but I wasn't born in Skellige, no one would accept me. And I'm not much of a leader."

Cerys shook her head, "I can have you taken into the an Craites, that's not a problem. As for you not being a leader, I said the same, you can keep a cool head, you're smart, and you're empathetic, even if you hide it behind that hideous mug. All you need is some subjects."

(F/N) laughed again, but shook his head, "A fine offer, I again must reject."

"I knew you would. I just thought I should ask."

The pair embraced, as they broke away (F/N) said one last thing, "Don't forget why you wanted to be Queen."

Cerys nodded, making sure to squeeze him, "I won't. Good luck on your path, Black Bat. As long as I wear this crown, you'll always have a home on the isles."


Torsten glared at the sorceress, she was looking at herself in a compact mirror that was hovering in mid-air, "Begone from the village, barren whore!"

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