2: Fresh Cookies

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"So you're technically stalking him"

"I wouldn't call it that! Just— Think of it as trying to get to know him better"

Kade sighs, rubbing his temples and stopping at a bench to sit down. "By following him everywhere he goes and hiding whenever he spots you?" Silence fills his ear, causing him to roll his eyes. "Why don't you just go up to him and talk to him?"

"I can't! He'll think I'm weird— why would he talk to a stranger?"

"Bell you've been in love with the same guy for how long? And you still haven't spoken to him— and now you're just being a stalker by following the guy all around town without him knowing"

"It just takes patience! I know I'll talk to him someday— just not today"

"Not ever"

"Oh! I've gotta go now, he's about to go on the ice rink! I'll talk to you later, Kade"

"Wait— Bell"

The sound of the phone beeping- indicating that Bell hung up filled Kade's ear. He sighed, annoyed on how he just hung up like he just wasn't about to say something.

"He's in his twenties for god's sake", Kade muttered to himself— And he still acts like a teenager with a crush in highschool.

Feeling his phone vibrate, he looks down and to see a message. Tapping on the notification, he rolls his eyes as he read the text that was sent from Bell himself, "Don't forget to go to the bakery and practice for this year's contest!"

Taking a deep breath, the cool winter air filling his lungs and causing a slight burn in his throat. He gets up from the bench he's been sitting on and starts to walk back to the bakery.

Even though Kade only met Bell four years ago, Bell had always looked up to Kade, even before they met. Bell is probably Kade's only friend— He never really got along with people back in highschool but the only person that was ever close to being friends with him was a guy that used to cause trouble when Kade was around.

But after a few years, nearing the end of highschool, that friendship ended quickly and ever since then, Kade has never had another friend other than Bell in his life.

"Hi— Excuse me?"

A voice then brought Kade back to life, looking up a bit, and seeing that he was now in front of the bakery, he looked to where he heard the voice.

"Um...Are you open?" The man with crystal like eyes asked. Such beautiful eyes and smooth looking brown skin with his black hair down to his shoulders.

"...I can come back another time if you're not open" The man with beautiful eyes avoided Kade's gaze awkwardly.

Kade looked over the man's features one more time before looking back at the door, face flushing with embarrassment, noticing he's been staring at the man without noticing. inserting the key to the bakery, he opens the door, taking a wiff of the lingering smell of baked goods and coffee of the other day.

Looking over his shoulder at the man, Kade met his eyes. "I'm open", he finally responds, watching as the man somewhat relaxed from finally getting a response.

"Do you want anything?," Kade asks, closing the door as the man walked in.

The man looks around, taking his black overcoat off and placing it on one of the red cushioned chairs to his left as he walks in.

"Um, a danish and coffee is fine"

Kade nods in acknowledgment, walking behind the counter and taking his coat off, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.

He walks over to the oven, turning a knob to turn the oven on, watching as the light to the oven turns on. He glances over to the door, watching as the wind starts to blow hard at the trees and people walking by.

Kade goes on to make the coffee the man had asked for, staring out the glass and watching as it starts to snow more. Worry settles in as he walks over to the fridge to take out the dough.

Bell was never the type to be alone, especially in this type of weather. The last time a snow storm happened, Bell ended up with a severe cold and was out for a several weeks.

The man looks over at Kade, noticing his distress, "Are you worried about a friend?", The man asked.

Kade looks over at the man for a second, then back to the door. "They're supposed to be on the rink by now— and the wind is getting strong, so I'm just concerned since they don't think much about themselves". He looks down at the dough that was now softening.


"They're non-binary"

Kade looks over at him, a crease forming at his brows and eyes looking over the man's face.

"Why? Are you against that?"

The man's eyes went wide, staring at the slightly taller man that's leaning against the counter.

"What? No— of course not", the man said, a smile etching into the man's face, letting out a small laugh at Kade's expression.

Kade felt his cheeks heat up, looking away from the man. "Sorry if I assumed", he said.

The man smiled, looking out of the window that was to his right.

"Well, I just hope your friend found somewhere to take shelter since it doesn't look like the storm will stop anytime soon"

Jade looks back at the man, observing him as he looks out the window.

"What's your name?", He asks.

"Jay", the man responds, looking towards Kade.

The two stare at each other in silence, both observing each other's features.

Out of the anyone Jay had seen, Kade is the one with the most unique features and the most beautiful face. Auburn hair, soft looking skin, and those beautiful gold like eyes staring back at him.

Everything about this man Jay had just met seemed absolutely perfect to him.

Jay smiles, "you have a beautiful face"

Kade stares at him for a few more minutes before responding with a laugh and a light smile, "thanks— you have a nice face too"

1036 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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