1: Goldile

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"What are you saying?" Rose's eyebrows furrowed. Jay's eyes scanned her face, looking over her expression.

"I said im going on a break"

"And where exactly?"


"That small village everybody has been talking about?"

Jay nodded, brushing back his hair with his hand.

She sighs, her eyes closing in the process.

"when are you coming back?"

Jay's blue eyes locked with Roses brown ones.

"Perhaps until after New Years" He avoided her gaze, examining the coffee shop they are sat in, looking anywhere but at her.

"Alright, when are you leaving?"

He looks back at her, a bit surprised that she's taking this so calmly.

"Around 6:00 in the morning tomorrow.."

She smiles, a sad smile and Jay returns it.

"I won't be gone for that long—" He pauses, taking her hands and clasping his hands on top of hers. "I promise I'll call and update you when I get there" He squeezes her hands.

"Will you call me everyday?"

He smiles, "I'll make it work".

"Who knows, maybe I'll fall in love with some hot guy while I'm there"

Rose rolls her eyes, a smile bringing it's way onto her lips. Kissable and soft, with  just the right amount of lipstick. Her hair stops midway at her back, — though you can't tell since she always has it up in a bun — a dark brown color with hints of red dye. Her eyes are soft brown, almost like chocolate.

She's absolutely gorgeous in every way, though jay would never make a move on her because she's his best friend since highschool. Though, the main reason is because he's gay.

"You'll still get me a christmas present even though I'm gone, right?" Jay asked with a grin and grabbed his coffee, taking a sip of the bittersweet liquid.

She grinned back at him, "Only if you get me one"

"I make no promises", He smirked

__                              6:00am                                __

Grabbing a few more pieces of clothing, Jay neatly folded them and placed them in his suitcase along with his other pieces of clothing.

"Are you ready?"

Just as Jay closed and zipped up his suitcase, the sound of Roses voice made its way to his ears.


Picking up the suitcase, he looked around his room. Blue curtains hung from the window that hides the balcony. His bed that's usually messy is now neat and folded up with clean sheets and pillows.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day to wait on your slow ass!", Rose yells from the kitchen. "—And I want to get back to bed as soon as possible!", She says as the front door closes.

Looking back at the doorway, he rolls his eyes at nothing in particular, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!".

Suitcase in hand, Jay walks out of his bedroom and to the right, passing the kitchen and heading towards the door.

Opening the door, he looks behind him and takes a quick glance of the room.

He sighs, closing the door and heading towards the stairs.

__                                                                           __

Glancing over at Jay, Rose turns her attention back to the road. "Aren't you supposed to be exited?"

"I guess I'm nervous", Jay's eyes are fixated on the window, watching every tree, house and car swish pass. He sighs, removing his arm from the window ceil and sits facing forward. "I've never been away from the city before"

Stopping at a red light, Rose looks over at Jay.

Eyebrows furrowed, she puts a hand on his thigh. "You'll be fine. You have to be able to care of yourself— that's what you wanted remember?" A small smile brought it's way onto her lips. Taking his hand into hers, she gave it a light squeeze. "That's why you moved in with me— to get away from your parents"

"That didn't work though. They still managed to find me and bother me"

"But now they won't be able to bother you" Rose removes her hand, setting it back onto the steering wheel. Facing forward, she began to speak, "If they do end up finding you and bothering you in any way, I'll make sure they end up looking the wrong way."

Jay looks at Rose, a smile on his face.

"Now, you better have fun and meet new people while you're there, got it?"


Jay leans his head onto his hand that's propped up by his arm. He faces the window again, looking out as the car starts moving again.

Closing his eyes, he sighs and starts to relax.

__                                                                           __

"Wake up, dumbass"

Rose shakes Jay by his shoulder.

He groans, opening his eyes and blinking a few times. Wiping off the salvia forming around his lips, he looks out the window.

"We're here", Rose says, unlocking the door and getting out. "You slept the rest of the way here" She looks back at him as he gets out of the car. "You can sleep when we get you settled in, now hurry up and help me with your luggage"

Rolling his eyes, Jay walks over to the back of the car where Rose is, taking a few suitcases in both hands.

Following her up the steps of the house, he takes a look around, spotting a few people here and there.

"Get your ass in here already", Rose called from inside the small house.

Walking through the now opened door, Jay sets his suitcases down and takes a look around.

To the right sits a couch and small fireplace with a coffee table placed in the middle. Small decorations decorated the walls and table— flowers in a vase, various different colors and some paintings of different places and animals.

To the left was the kitchen and a small space to eat, though there wasn't many decorations but it still looks nice.

Jay walks over to the table in the kitchen, sitting down and resting his head on the table.

A hand makes it way to his shoulder, causing him to look up at Rose.

"I need to get back", she removes her hand, looking around the small house. "I have work around 11:00, so ill be leaving" She looks down at Jay, smiling. "Try to at least talk and get to know people around here".

Jay looks up at her through his hair, nodding and sitting up. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her down with him.

She chuckles lightly, returning the hug. "I'll see you next year". With a smile on her face, she grabs her bag from the floor, walking towards the door before looking back at Jay one last time and waving.

Jay waves back, a smile on his face as the door closes. His hand drops to his side, sitting back down in the chair, sighing and resting his head back on the table.

"I'll get up tomorrow", he grumbled, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

1150 Words

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