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A/N: Absolutely fucking vibing with an ass ton of fairy lights around my room and listening to LIL PHAG and Dr. Woke while I'm writing this. Feel hella single tonight but it's a vibe yaknow? Anyways my sleep schedule is fucked because every night I wanna write a new chapter. Worth it. Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Gonna try and get some cute shit in before the shitshow that's gonna be a couple chapters from now. Also I've started simping for Sero a little too much since I started this, but fuck it, he deserves all the simps.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay in those shoes, Mina?" Tenya asked inquisitively as he watched his girlfriend put on her tall ass combat boots. "Your feet'll probably start hurting like shit before we even get anywhere."

"Worth it," she said, looking up at her tall boyfriend. "Looking cute is worth a little pain."

"She always does this," Hanta sighed, tying his shoelaces. "After about an hour of walking she'll be whining about her feet hurting so bad, and after about three hours, she'll have to take them off. Mina, please wear sensible shoes."

"No," Mina said, determined. "I will look cute if it fucking kills me." She stood up, about two inches taller than when she sat down.

"You always look cute, though," Tenya insisted, standing about an inch taller than normal in his Timbs. The two were making Hanta feel real short, even though he was still a little less than five inches taller than Mina.

"Guess what, I don't care," Mina giggled as she stuck her hands in the hoodie pocket. "Let's go!"

"Whatever," Tenya sighed as Mina pulled him and Hanta through the door. On the walk to the mall, Mina insisted on having a boy on each arm, even when they got weird looks.

"Doesn't how people look at us bother you?" Hanta finally asked timidly. "Like, I love what we have, but a lot of people are just... you know?"

"Why should I care about their opinions?" Mina asked, squeezing Hanta's arm a little tighter. "I mean... if the three of us last, people will have to deal with being saved by the first heroes in a polyamorous relationship. Honestly, I think it's cool to think about the shock on people's faces when we go far. Like, there's gonna be a lot of homophobia and polyamorphobia or whatever you would call it. But, like, why should we let what other people think affect us?"

"That's fair... but," Tenya said slowly. "Xenophobic villains may target us, so maybe we should be careful."

"Look, I'm not gonna let the bad stuff that might happen stop me from being proud of my boyfriends in public," Mina declared, a little loudly as a woman walking by covered her little girl's ears and eyes. The girl hadn't even noticed them, or that there was anything even different about their relationship, but the mother still did what she did. Hanta knew what type of person that innocent little girl was being raised to be, and he really didn't like it.

"Okay, then," Tenya stated. "If you two are okay to risk it, then so am I. Hanta?"

Hanta's mind was still on that little girl, who was now on the other side of the street, looking very upset with her mother for whatever reason. "C'mon," he said simply as he pulled his partners across the street without an explanation. He approached the mother and daughter, slipping out of his girlfriend's grasp. The woman didn't notice until he placed a hand on her shoulder, making her jump, glaring at the boy. "Sorry to startle you, ma'am. I'm in the hero course at U.A. and I thought your daughter could stand a lesson on respect from a future hero, since she seems to be throwing a fit."

A look of relief seemed to wash over her face, like she was really hoping someone would come and fix her shitty parenting. "You know what, sure," the lady sighed, setting down her daughter who was maybe six. "Misumi, the hero wants to say something to you."

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