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A/N: Aoyama's checkin' out dat ass 'cause you got hella cake if you're reading this. Anyways I'm really tired even thought it's literally 9:30 p.m. but I just chugged some Mountain Dew so let's do this!

"I want to... ask your advice on something," Tenya said, not wanting to just come out and say, hey, I wanna date you and your boyfriend, but I don't know if I like like you, so d'you wanna make out? It just didn't seem like something you say to someone. "Why don't you come in?"

"Alright, bet," Mina said, snapping her hands into finger guns as she brushed past Tenya. She dragged his desk chair in front of his bed and sat so that she was straddling the back. She gestured for him to sit on his bed, even though it was his room. "Dr. Mina is in the house, Iida! You want relationship advice, I got it! You need help in school, I don't got it! You got a bully, I got their ass yesterday! Whatcha need, babe?" she spouted as Tenya sat on the edge of his bed. He thought her enthusiasm was adorable, and her passion for her friends and classmates was even cuter to Tenya.

He took in a deep breath, finding it really hard to look at her beautiful face. "I need... relationship advice, I guess," he sighed, finally looking her in the eye.

"Alrighty," Mina said, rubbing her hands together and smirking. "Is it a girl? I know a lot about girls since I am one. Maybe not all girls, though... I don't really understand how Mineta's mom didn't see his ugly ass and tell the doctors to put him in the trash. Oh! You might not be straight!" she said enthusiastically, pointing at Tenya. "One hundred percent acceptance, if so! I am a huge ally and will get you the guy of your dreams if you so wish! Just state the problem, and I'll find you a solution."

"I like someone," the tall boy stated. He really didn't want to elaborate, but he knew he should. Still, as he opened his mouth, the words refused to come out.

"Good start," the pink personality beamed. "Do you want to tell me what you want to happen with them? Anything that could be stopping you from being with them? I'm surprisingly good at keeping people's secrets. Like, I haven't even told anyone about how Jiro and Hagakure have to take birth control pills for their periods." Realization struck her face. Tenya maybe didn't need to know that. "Shit."

"It's okay," Tenya chuckled lightly, seeing the fear on her face. Her misplaced confidence in herself was... admittedly adorable, even if she had just disproven her point. "I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you," Mina said a little dramatically. "But, yeah, what I asked before?"

"Well, I actually like two people," Tenya said. Mina simply nodded in response, nudging him to continue. "They're... actually dating each other."

"Ooh, a love triangle," Mina said, her jaw hanging. "Do either of them like you? Do you like one more than the other?"

"I like them both a lot," Tenya said confidently. "One of them... actually does like me back. The person told me to talk to the other one about a polyamorous relationship. They think the other one would be really open to it, but I don't really know their stance on polyamory."

"Dude, just ask the other one," Mina said with a smile. "Legit, everyone wants to date you. No joke." That was a little encouraging. "One night me and the girls were playing truth or dare, and Momo said that if she had to date someone other than Jiro, it'd be you. And she's a lesbian! She does not like dick!" She was really disproving her point of being good at keeping secrets, but Tenya thought it was kind of endearing. Plus, her lips were probably a little looser than normal because of the calming affects of weed. Although, she was never the calmest, even when she was stoned out of her mind. "But, yeah, just ask the other person. Anything else?"

"Thanks for the help," Tenya said awkwardly, trying to decide what to say next. "Um, what... what are your opinions on polyamory? Like, do you think it'd be a bad idea for me to date multiple people, especially since they're already dating?"

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