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"(Y/N)!" her friend shouted "come on, we're going to be late!"

"I don't want to go!" (Y/N) shouted, curling up under her blankets.

"Come on! It will be good for you to go out!" Himari began to tug on the blanket.

"But I want to stay home! I want to just eat ice cream, watch the notebook and cry!"

"You're been doing that all week!" Her friend huffed, letting go of the blanket. "Come on. Please, it's been 3 months. Time to get yourself out there. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for me. Please?"

(Y/N) poked her head out from under the blanket, looking at her friend. She slowly slipped out of the blankets, and sighed. "Fine. Only for an hour though."

Himari squealed as she pulled (Y/N) out of bed "let's get you ready then!"

~ ~ ~ ~

(Y/N) walked around the party, carrying her cup. She kept tugging at her dress, trying to pull it down. Her friend had decided that she needed to wear the shortest of her dresses out tonight. In reality, all she wanted to do was wear sweat pants and an over sized hoodie while watching sad romance films. 

She had recently, well, three months ago, she had gotten out of a relationship. She had caught him on top of another girl. They had been together for 3 years. Hence, why she was living with her friend. 

(Y/N) leaned on the wall, watching the crowd dance around her. This apartment belonged to a chemistry student, Tetsuro Kuroo, and an IT student, Kenma Kozume. She hadn't met either of them, but she knew of them. Her friend always talked about them. (Y/N) was pretty sure they were there cause her friend wanted to shoot her shot, but from what (Y/N) has heard, the boys are very awkward when it comes to girls. 

Someone bumped into (Y/N), causing her to spill her drink over her dress. They muttered an apology but left her to deal with the mess. (Y/n) groaned in annoyance as she began to clean herself up, hearing her friend shout out to her. 

"(Y/N)!" her friend called out "come dance!"

"I'm good, I might go get some air!" she shouted out to her friend, trying to talk over the music. She began to look for the exit door, any door. She needed to get out of the crowd. She pushed through the crowd before walking into a room. (Y/N) closed the door behind her, resting her forehead on the door. She let out a breath, trying to compose herself. 

"Can I help you?" (Y/N) flinched at the voice, looking over to the boy who sat at a computer. He had long hair, half dyed blonde. Bags were under his eyes, most likely from a lack of sleep.

"I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) bowed to the boy. "I'll leave right away!"

"It's okay." the boy let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm (Y/N) Takeda." She raised herself, her cheeks red from embarrassment. 

"Kenma Kozume." The boy offered a slight smile, but his voice sounded uninterested. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry for walking into your room!"

"It's okay." Kenma studied (Y/N) "were you looking for the bathroom?"

"I was looking for a place to hide..." 


"It's just... really crowded." (Y/N) looked down, fiddling with the bottom of her dress as she tried to pull it down once again. 

"Kuroo does throw some large parties." Kenma looked to her eyes "you can stay in here for a bit if you'd like. I could use a second player."

"A second player?"

"I'm live streaming. I could switch to a two player game, it might be more interesting for the viewers." Kenma looked to his computer screen, saying a quick 'brb' to his mic before he paused the stream and began to set up his TV. 

"I don't know, I'm not great at games..."

"You don't have to be. Makes it more entertaining." (Y/N) stood there awkwardly, watching as he set up his TV for the stream. "If you're uncomfortable wearing that on camera, you can wear one of my hoodies."

(Y/N) looked down to her dress, nodding slightly to Kenma "only if it's not too much trouble." Kenma grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe and chucked it to her before he began to look for a second headset. (Y/N) slid the hoodie on, feeling more comfortable already. It smelt musky. 

"Here. So they can hear you." Kenma handed her a head set that had cat ears, which she slid on. 

They sat together as Kenma set the stream up as well as the game. (Y/N) stared at the controller, before she looked to Kenma. She studied him, the bags that were under his eyes and how his hair was tied up in a bun. 

"Hey guys, welcome back to the stream. Sorry I had to pause it, because we decided to play a two player game." He began "this is (Y/N), she's a friend of mine, she'll be playing with me today."

"Hello." She tried to sound cheerful. She offered an awkward smile to the camera. 

"We're going to play a few different games tonight. Well, until (Y/N) has to leave."

They began with Mario kart, mostly to get into a rhythm. Kenma chose Yoshi while (Y/N) chose Waluigi. They raced against each other, Kenma obviously winning first for each round, but (Y/N) brought the entertainment with her failed attempts to beat him... especially in Rainbow road. As (Y/N) screeched as her character fell into the abyss, Kenma laughed. (Y/N) liked his laugh. 

They played 10 rounds, Kenma coming in first place while (Y/N) had managed to come in 2nd place. (Y/N) chose the next game, and they seemed to agree on a Mario night. They decided to play Mario bros, a team game. 

With a lot of Kenma's help, they bet the levels, their goal was to defeat one castle, but it was hard when (Y/N) kept dying or sabotaging Kenma to also die. They had managed to get into a better rhythm, playing as if no one was there nor watching. 

Hours passed, and the two agreed it was time to end the stream. 

"Thank you (Y/N) for playing with me today, I hope to play with you again." Kenma offered a soft smile. 

"Thank you for having me."

"That's all for tonight gamers. Time to log off, bye!" Kenma turned off the stream, a smile still on his face. 

"That was fun." (Y/N) smiled softly. 

"It was. Thank you for joining me."

"Thanks for inviting me." (Y/N) pushed her hair behind her ear. "I didn't realise I needed this tonight."

Kenma nodded in agreement, only to hear a knocking on his door. (Y/N)'s friend opened the door, sighing softly in relief. 

"There you are! I've been looking for you!" Her friend sighed "it's time to bolt, some chick vomitted on me."

(Y/N) nodded slightly and stood up quickly. She looked at Kenma "thank you, for hanging out with me. I hope we can do it again soon."

Kenma nodded in agreement, watching her disappear with her friend. 

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