Chapter 2

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“Mommy! Daddy!” I burst through the back door and run through our house looking for my mom and dad. I just got off the bus from school and had the most amazing news to tell them. When I hit the hallway I come to a skidding stop in front of my parent’s bedroom door and I slowly peek in to see if I see anybody. 

My dad was laying in bed with a serving tray next to him and I could hear my mom’s voice coming from the master bathroom, she seemed to be humming away. I gently pushed the door open and I saw my dad’s eyes slowly open. Marco Morales was the strongest man I have ever met in my life and that says a lot. He was a lieutenant in the fire department, which meant I spent a lot of time around firemen growing up. Daddy was still the biggest and strongest of them all.

“Hey Steffy girl,” Daddy said with his groggy voice. He smiled big and crooked his finger slightly to call me over to the bed. I crawled into bed next to him and wrapped my small arms over his big frame. “Hi, sweet girl, what is all that yelling I heard?”

“I have the best news to share, Daddy!’

“Stefanie Rita Morales, get your dirty shoes off my bed and don’t you bother your daddy.” My mom came out of the bathroom with her all cleaning supplies propped up on her hip. She was scolding me with her voice, but she still had a smile on her face.”

“It’s okay, my love, Steffy was just telling me about her day and then I was going to go back to sleep.” My dad kissed my forehead and that seemed to make my mom happy enough. She put her things down and joined us on the bed.

“Alright baby girl, what did you want to say? We’re all ears.”

“Remember how I told you about the spelling bee that my class was going to have?” My mom and dad both nod their heads. “I thought it was yesterday, but it was actually today, and guess what?”

“Well don’t hold us in suspense any longer, Steffy!” My daddy joked.

“I won! I won the whole thing because I could spell country and Shawn couldn’t.”

“That Shawn kid was never very smart.” My dad laughs, but my mom leans over and swats him on the side.

“Be nice, Marco.” She looks back at me and takes my face into her hands and places a huge kiss on my cheek. “I’m so proud of your baby girl. You make your Daddy and me so proud.”

“I agree, pumpkin. In fact, maybe we should do something special to celebrate?”

“That’s a great idea, Marco. Maybe after dinner, we can go get frozen yogurt.”

“I love frozen yogurt! Do you think I can get whatever toppings I want?”

“Hmm, last time I said whatever toppings you want, you ended up with a tummy ache and missed school the next day. Maybe instead of any toppings, you can pick three.”

“I agree with Mommy, three is a perfect number for a girl your age.”

“I think I can agree with three.”

“So it is settled. I’m making chicken and dumplings today, baby girl, do you want to help me?”

“Yes! Can I just hang out with Daddy a little bit longer?”

She opened her mouth, but my dad cleared his throat and nodded his head. A smile spread across Mommy’s face and she stood up from the bed. “Ten minutes and then Daddy needs his rest. He had to work the swing shift today and that means he still needs to get some sleep in to be ready for his shift tomorrow.”

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