Day 9- Jerusalem, I Will Not Forget You

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Day 9: In 250 write a story about your favorite city.


Chicago or Jerusalem. Both my home, both beautiful cities, but I can only write about one. So, despite the fact that I lived in Chicago for eighteen years, I am going to write about Jerusalem.

            Jerusalem is a magnificent city. The old city, a beautiful place that is home to three religions, even though those religions don’t mix well. The Kotel, some say it is just a wall, but it is all we have left of the second Beit Hamikdash (second temple). Every Friday night, The Kotel has hundreds people for Shabbos. The excitement and energy is breathtaking.

            Then when you leave the old city, you have so many options. Mamilla, a beautiful brick outdoor mall, Ben Yehuda, where all the teens hangout (Very popular for seminary and yeshiva kids.), You  can also go to the shuk and listen to all the vendors screaming at each other, or Emek Refarim, which has the most amazing mime festival on Hanukkah.

            All of these places draw you in. You feel the culture surrounding you. It is not like am American city. It is not made of steel and metal. For example when you exit Mamilla mall, onto King David street, the bricks, that make up the walls, are covered in numbers. Why? Because they are original bricks from the second Beit Hamikdash.

            Everything in Jerusalem is absolutely breathtaking. Jewish or not you find things that cultivate you. The people that live there, are kind and generous. One day, you should visit Jerusalem.

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