in my arms tonight 💫

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Recap - the party got over while y/n got drunk and ajey was trying to make her sleep but she wasn't ready . Next!

Ajey - y/n , it's way past your and my bedtime . We have to sleep!

Y/n - but but today was party right?! You you wait what? You brought me from there ! Why?! You're bad boy! Meko baat noi karni🥺

Ajey - arey!! Saari party khatam , sabkuch khatam! It's 1 o clock now!

Y/n - haww!

Ajey- hann so jao ab

Y/n - okay but abhi tumhe na mere saath sona padega 👉🏻👈🏻🥺

Ajey - kyu

Y/n - because I need someone to cuddle before I sleep

Ajey - so whom do you cuddle the other days ?

Y/n - moi teddy 🌚

Ajey - ohhhhh but yk I don't think ki its gonna happen toh tum so jao ! Right now!

Y/n - dont be harsh to me🥺 pleasee (she pulls his hands) ajey please sleep with me🥺

Ajey - okay okay fine . Wait for 2 minutes

Y/n - kya kar rahe ho

Ajey - kuch nhi just building a sort of wall with pillows

Y/n - noo!!

Ajey - oh Jes!

Y/n - okie mereko baat nahi karni, you build a wall between us , always this wall between us😩

Ajey - overactive band kariye ma'am

Y/n -hulli huleri hulla

Ajey - heeeheeeee

Y/n - ab so kyu nahi rahe ho . Ji?!

Ajey - sone hi jaa raha hu , ji!

(Both of them laid down in one bed , although there was a wall )

Y/n - good night

Ajey - goodies nighties!

(When y/n slept , ajey kissed her on the forehead when he saw she slept and he slept too)


The sun was up it was already 8 and ajey n y/n were still sleeping . Both the pillows which made the wall were lying on the floor and ajey was cuddled up with y/n. After some time she woke up

Y/n's p.o.v - its probably morning cuz I can feel the sunrays on my eyes yeah it is! Okay so dearest teddy!! Where are you? (She touches ajey) this doesn't feel like honey! Wait (she opened her eyes)

Y/n shouts

Ajey - uhm ehhhhh sone dooo!

Y/n - what are you doing hereeeeeeeeee

Ajey wakes up rubbing his eyes

Ajey - what is it? Oh BTW good morning y/n

Y/n - why are you in my room!!!

Ajey- miss , you are in my room just see🙂

Y/n - but how!!?

Ajey - yesterday you were drunk so I got you here to sleep . I was going to sleep on the couch but you yes you forced me to sleep here fir bhi I made a wall with pillows with you threw!

Y/n - i cannot just believe ! I had nothing to loose besides my virg...

Ajey - oyeee don't talk about it now . Koi sunlega

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