magic in the air💕

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The next day y/n reached at the office and she went to mr sachdeva

Y/n - sir yesterday we couldn't complete the viva so you called me today .. ri.. right??!

Mr. Sachdeva - yeah I did but I'm a bit busy so carry himself will take the the interview. 😬

Y/n's p.o.v -oh God I'm fuckingg nervous i mean how'd that guy be uska naam total foreign kinda name I'm just freaked out🥲

She goes to the cabin where ajey was sitting and she was shocked seeing ajey is carry .

Y/n - G.. good .. mo... morning sir

Ajey - Good morning dear , but why are you seeming nervous to me 😂

Y/n - uhm ... cause I didn't know that you are carryminati 😳 I thought It would be a foreigner or something

Ajey- well most of the people think that😂🙁. Hmm, so can you introduce yourself?

Y/n - sir actually today I'm not really well because I have cough so I made this bio data so... will it do?

Ajey- yes yes , absolutely!😂.after 10 minutes *- Okay as I have read this bio data of yours I found out that you could really be a work for the carryminati productions . So miss y/n , welcome to the carryminati productions !

Y/n's p.o.v- this is the best day of my life!!!!😭

Y/n - thank you so much sir🥺. Sir btw , Mr sachdeva at the head office doesn't seem right to me.

Ajey- yes he isn't (he tells about the whole story since tiktok vs. Yt thing)
He only cares about his money , his business and youtube!!😔

Y/n -oh ohkay ,Such a 2 faced person 😔

Ajey - and also wait , tomorrow I am not gonna come here bruhh! I don't come here , I always work at my room so from tomorrow there okay?!

Y/n - yeah sir as you wish😄

Ajey - yeah cool, uhm .. next week we are going to Paris for a week to promote a brand , are you in ?

Y/n - sure sir 🙃!

Ajey - I like that 😂👍

Ajey's p.o.v -hmm she's smart I like this attitude of hers😂🙃

Y/n's pov- I don't know what he thinks about me😥. Leave that just see that expression, kitna cute hai yaar!

Mr sachdeva comes there to check whats going on

Mr sachdeva - hellooo Mr nagar. So , what have you thought?

Ajey- sir she is my personal assistant from tomorrow

Mr. Sachdeva - wow thats great huh?! Nice..

He takes ajey outside the cabin...

Mr sachdeva - are you sure you are taking her ?

Ajey- sir yes. And I don't think you need to take tension now cause that's
my work and ill do that😊

Mr sachdeva - okay fine .

Ajey's p.o.v- great , sucker😒

Ajey reaches his cabin , he sees y/n seeing those awards and token of appreciations there.

Ajey- heyya, aren't they cooll!!

Y/n - yes .... th...they are really cool 😍

Ajey - y/n , I guess you'll have to come to my room rn because I just got a mail that we have to complete the project I'm doing and we will have to leave for Paris tomorrow

Y/n -yeah sir I'm coming .

They both are at the gate of the headoffice and ajey is in the car while y/n is calling out a cab

Ajey - hey , you can come in !

Y/n -no sir,I'll manage

Ajey- come in y/n , it's my order!

Y/n - okay sir as you wish🙁

They reach the house

Ajey's mom *whispers in ajey's ears* - ye ... is she your girlfriend 😳

Ajey- mummmaaaaa!!!!??? No she is my p.a from tomorrow !

Ajey's mum- bach gya tu😃

Y/n - good morning aunty 💕

Ajey's mum - good morning. Whats your name bacha🥰

Y/n -im y/n

Ajey's mum - hmm nice name , iska ache se khayal rakhna , bilkul nahi sunta meri toh🙁💔

Ajey- mummmmaaaaa😫😠

Y/n suddenly broke a glass kept on the table.

That's it for today guys , 8dk when will I post the nest chapter 😂💔. Love love

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