Chapter Nine

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“Well, well, well. Look who finally got out,” Ikkaku commented. Renji stopped as he walked down the street and looked up at Ikkaku, who was sitting on the corner of a building and staring down at him. Renji scowled. “What, you gonna rub it in my face or something?” he muttered, rubbing the bandages that were covering the wound on his stomach. He’d have to go get them taken off for the last time in a couple of days, but Unohana had been kind of enough to let him out before then.

Ikkaku chuckled and shook his head. “What would be the point? You can’t fight yet.” He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb towards his squads training grounds. “She’s over there with Yumichika.” Renji nodded. “Thank you,” he said before heading towards the training grounds. He hadn’t seen Aya since she had visited him in the hospital almost a week ago while he was still healing.

After a couple of minutes, he rounded a corner and the training fields came into view. Leaning against a nearby building, Renji crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. He was content to just stand there and watched Aya train with Yumichika for a few minutes. Of course, he didn’t doubt that neither of them sensed that he was there, but they wouldn’t let it interrupt their training, that was for sure. After a few minutes, it seemed that Yumichika decided to call it quits for now as he sheathed his Zanpakuto.

Aya stepped back, panting as she sheathed Higure and ran a hand through her hair. She talked to Yumichika about something for a second before she finally turned and started walking towards him, grabbing her Captains robe along the way and putting it on. Renji pushed away from the building and met her halfway across the training fields, a smile on both of their faces. When Aya got close to him, she chucked him softly on the shoulder. “Finally out of the hospital I see,” she said with a little laugh. Renji chuckled and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah; Unohana let me out a few days early. I’ve just got to go back next week to get the bandages removed,” he stated, tapping his chest lightly where the bandages were. Aya nodded, putting her hands in her pockets. “That’s good…”

They stood there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Renji cleared his throat. “Listen, I was wondering if you’d want to go out and get something to eat with me,” he asked cautiously. If she turned him down, he wouldn’t blame her. Sure, he’d be a little upset about it, but he knew he’d deserve it. Smiling, Aya nodded at him. “Of course Renji. I’ve just got to run by my barracks for a minute,” she informed him.

Grinning, Renji nodded in return. “That’s fine; I’ll go with you. It wouldn’t hurt to meet some of your squad now would it?” he said while continuing to grin. Aya rolled her eyes at him playfully as she walked past him. Renji turned around to follow after her and she looked over her shoulder at him. “So have you been cleared for work or have you just been let out?” she asked him curiously. “Unohana didn’t really say but you know that Captain Kuchiki wouldn’t care either way; he’d still make me work.”

Aya shook her head. “If Byakuya didn’t care, he wouldn’t have tried to stop me from attacking you.” Renji blinked, looking down at her. “He did what now?” Aya nodded, looking back up at him. “Byakuya stopped me from attacking you again while we were fighting,” she told him. Renji couldn’t believe that his Captain would do that. He would’ve thought that Byakuya would think that he deserved whatever happened to him; now that she told him that, he wasn’t sure what to think.

Aya raised her eyebrow at his silence. “What are you being so quiet for?” Renji blinked, looking over at her. “Hmm? Oh, don’t worry. It’s nothing,” he said with a smile. Aya rolled her eyes and hit his arm playfully. “Whatever you say,” she said as they got to the Squad Eleven barracks, which was where the barracks of Squad Fourteen were also located.

“So what did you need to do here?” Renji asked Aya curiously as members of Squad Eleven waved at her. Aya waved in return as they continued walking. “I just need to tell Tobi that I’ll be out for a little while,” she said with a smile. Renji smiled in return and nodded, continuing to follow the young woman.

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