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For the sake of the story, they're all the same year, however I still refer to Youngjo as eldest by 1 year then the rest are older by months. Dongju is younger by a year but they're still on the same year

Dongju had a big fat crush on Geonhak for who knows long. He didn't remember when it had started. The two met when Geonhak transferred to their school when he was in fifth grade. Dongju had to be honest, the first time he saw Geonhak, he was quite intimidated. Geonhak was already tall for his age, he already had his deep voice and he seemed to be scowling all the time. But Dongju got a chance to know the other better when they were grouped for a project that year.

Dongju found out that the other was gentle, despite his gruff appearance. Dongju found out that Geonhak's smile outshone the sun, how cute his little nose scrunch was. And I guess it was at that moment that Dongju had a little crush on Geonhak.

That little crush only grew bigger. Dongju would stick to the other's side, clinging to him. Dongju hoped he wasn't too obvious but despite having friends (more like acquaintances), Dongju was most comfortable with Geonhak and Geonhak was happy with the circumstance since he liked taking care of Dongju.

The two would eat lunch together, and sometimes with a few of Geonhak's friends but Dongju didn't mind that much, he found out that Youngjo was like a big brother to him. He would tease the elder, denying Youngjo of skinships making the elder whine (Dongju really questioned who was the youngest here). But at the end of the day, he would indulge the elder's antics. Sometimes it would be just the two of them.

They spent their vacants at their school's garden, there was a certain spot that hid them from the rest of the world, and that was where they stayed. Just relaxing under the sun and talking about everything. And Dongju was content in the other's presence. He didn't mind that Geonhak didn't feel the same way for him, he was just happy that he was beside him.

Although Dongju had said that, it didn't mean that it hurt. They were in high school now, the trio ended up going to the same school but they were separated. Fortunately, Geonhak and Youngjo were in the same class and unfortunately for Dongju, he was all alone, in a room filled with strangers.

Dongju stuck to himself most of the time, always rushing outside once classes are over to spend time with his hyungs, eating lunch with them and walking home together, just the three of them. It was 3 months into the school year, Dongju befriended Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong was fun to be with.

He could be loud when he wanted to, and is an amazing dancer too but Dongju liked Hwanwoong because he was the first one to approach Dongju when the younger was clear that he wasn't here to make friends. Hwanwoong was persistent, whenever he could catch a glimpse of the younger, he would approach him. Dongju was annoyed at first but as the days continued on he found that he enjoyed Hwanwoong's company and spent every vacant he had with Hwanwoong now.

One day he brought Hwanwoong to meet Geonhak and Youngjo. They had lunch together and Dongju was glad that Hwanwoong kind of fitted in in their small circle. The two hyungs were welcoming of the younger, Youngjo immediately clung onto Hwanwoong (after he asked for permission to do so and Dongju explained the elder's character). And so the trio became a quadro, everything was ok.

That was until Hwanwoong asked him something that in turn started to shake Dongju's world.

The sun was starting to set on a Wednesday afternoon, the two youngest had stayed at school after dismissal to work on a project. They were famished then, so they decided to walk to a nearby convenience store to eat before they went their way home. They now sat at a table, happily munching on a few donuts.

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