Prince Geonhak, Merman Keonhee

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In a faraway land, there lies a powerful kingdom, the kingdom of Twilight. But despite being powerful the king was known to be just and kind, ruling the kingdom with compassion alongside his fair queen. And because of this, the royals were loved by its people. However, there was one person who loathed the way the king ruled the kingdom.

This person believes that there is no room for compassion, he only believes in power play, he believes that a kingdom must be ruled with an iron fist. This person is the king's brother, a crooked man who wants more power, but he couldn't do anything as long as his brother is still on the throne. And as long the crown prince is alive, he'll never have a chance to the throne to which he covets so much.

Speaking of the crown prince, he was beloved by the people as much as the people love his parents, maybe even more. The prince is a handsome fella, with a piercing gaze that'll shake up your soul. He was fearless when in battle, a force to be reckoned with. Enemies falling one by one by his sword. If he was fierce in battle, it was a complete opposite when he's in town, he is gentle and amiable. And the prince absolutely adores children.

On some days, the prince can be seen in the orphanage playing with the children, his deep laughter mixing in with the children's light ones, lifting the hearts of the people who caught a glimpse of them. And on some days, he'll stay in the castle thrown in between training and studying the history and politics of the kingdom. And today was one of them.

The prince can be seen in the royal library reading about the history of Twilight, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, glasses further slipping down. His manservant, Hwanwoong, sat in front of him stitching his shirt which he ripped during training.

"Be careful my prince or else that book might burn because of the intensity of your glare." Hwanwoong teased the prince, stifling his laughter behind his hand. His prince looked ready to murder the book the longer he reads it. The prince threw a look towards his manservant causing Hwanwoong to laugh out loudly, the prince joining along moments later.

"It's just the longer I read it the more confusing it gets. Why did our ancestors make it so complicated." The prince said after they had settled down. "And how many time's I've told you to just call me Geonhak when it's just the two of us."

"I'm sorry my pri- Geonhak. It's just a force of habit you know?" Hwanwoong responded, folding the shirt he finished stitching. "And can you stop working out for once, I know you need those muscles for battle, but I can't keep on stitching your shirts cause you've ripped them during training."

"I'll keep that in mind Hwanwoong" Geonhak laughed heartily, his deep voice echoed into the empty library.

"Hmm if you're that tired of glaring at the book, why don't you take a break"

"You're right. I'll be by the gardens if ever I'm needed"

"And I'll clean up the mess you left here." Geonhak heard his manservant yell jokingly making him chuckle as he closed the doors to the royal library.

The walk to the gardens was long but worthwhile. As soon as he saw the different flowers blooming it immediately lifted his mood. He sat on the bench alone at the center of the garden, basking on the calming effect the plants provided him. He was so relaxed that he failed to hear the sound of heels against the pavement and the swish of a gown. Only the sound of the person's voice broke his reverie.

"I was hoping to find you here." A dainty voice said beside Geonhak, surprise he looked at the direction of the voice and saw his Aunt.

"Oh, auntie! Did you need anything?" Geonhak stood, bowing to the lady in front of him.

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