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I never updated during 2020 but who gives a shit because 2020 was an emotional roller coaster.  My mom got to go down to see my baby sisters in like august though.  I wasn't with her though cause idk she didn't want me to go lol. 

It's January 2nd, 2021
Super weird!! We made it tho!!
But uhhh this shit has been going on for about over 5 years now so cool for sticking around for this long.

Anyways moving to NC in 6 days WOOHOO!!
Gonna miss my friends up here in Minnesota though :/ but if I'm being honest I partied and hung out with my friends since quarantine started.  Not a very smart option but thankfully I never got COVID,  however I got a sinus infection in October and had to miss my cross country meet :(

Let's be honest we've all done something dumb since corona started and we have regrets for the most part. It's fine tho because you are here and healthy and surviving your struggles.  You are so strong for coming this long after a year of nothing but let downs and crying.  Take a time to appreciate what you have and that you're breathing and so many other things that are just so important because people are so lucky to have you.

Anyways idk what I'm supposed to update this about but it's definitely not may of 2020 so uhm I guess I'll just say that it's been a year.  It's just been a year. It's been a lot. 

Bye losers 😌✌️ jk jk
anyways wait for another time I guess😚

*my sisters are gorgeous btw*

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